Survey just one part of assessment

MAPP of the Southern Kenai Peninsula has recently compiled the results of the “Perceptions of Community Health” survey that was distributed to the community in November and December 2012. This survey is just one component of our second Community Health Needs Assessment that is underway.

Many thanks to the 1,180-plus community members who provided their input on our community’s needs and strengths as this information helps us identify priority issues from the community’s perspective.

Identifying these issues — such as a need for public transportation and resources/services for youth ­— help direct additional data collection so that we can investigate the status of these issues, identify existing barriers to addressing these issues and inform our overarching prioritization of quality of life issues that we will focus on addressing for the next few years. You can download this preliminary compilation of community members’ responses at

Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts and for helping us move this community process forward.

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” — H.E. Luccock

Megan Murphy

MAPP Coordinator