Superintendent welcomes district back to school

Welcome back to the 2016-2017 school year! Our district is very excited to have all of our students, staff, and parents back in school.

We have had a busy summer at the district office in preparation for this year. As you know, we are fully committed to prepare all of our students for their future.

A responsibility all of us at KPBSD take seriously is to keep all of our stakeholders informed. With a clear fiscal crisis confronting our state, it is more important than ever to hear from you on the value of public education. We rely heavily on your input to implement and support a wide variety of programs that make a difference in our students’ educational experience.

In the southern peninsula, we welcome back our teachers, instructional aides, nurses, custodians, secretaries, bus drivers, and food service professionals—they are the backbone of our district’s success. I am pleased to welcome new principals: Todd Hindman, Fireweed Charter School; and Eric Waltenbaugh, West Homer Elementary. We look forward to having these educational leaders in our district.

We invite parents and community members to join us by volunteering in the schools and becoming involved in partnerships to support students. Schools need the help of parents and community members in order to be successful with each student.

It is also critical for our students to know that their parents, guardians, relatives, and friends are supportive of their schooling process. A student without this support may at times feel at a loss to find the necessary focus to excel at his or her studies.

I hope to see you in the coming months and wish you a great start to the school year. We look forward to another outstanding school year!


Sean Dusek
