Masters of Hawaiian Music play in Seldovia on Tuesday

Masters of Hawaiian Music George Kakumoku Jr., Led Kaapana and “Uncle” Richard Ho’opI perform at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 23 at Susan B. English School, Seldovia. An Alaska-Hawaiian potluck is at 6:30 p.m. The musicians also present a workshop in slack key guitar, ukulele and Hawaiian culture at Susan B. English School. 

The three masters appear regularly on the Slack Key Show on Maui. Slack key guitar master Kahomuku returns to Seldovia for his third visit. Known as “Hawaii’s Renaissance Man,” he also is a vocalist, storyteller, songwriter, author, teacher, sculptor, farmer and chef. Kaapana is known for his mastery of stringed instruments and his picking style on slack key guitar and ukulele. He also displays a vocal range from baritone to the Hawaiian leo ki’eki’e falsetto. Ho’opi’I also sings leo ki’eki’e falsetto and has a unique yodeling singing style; he also plays the ukulele. Tickets to the potluck and show are $15 adults, $8 children and $35 a family.

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