School district employees are considering a strike after contract negotiations were left unresolved Thursday afternoon.
The annual spring flurry of graduation begins at the top, as last Wednesday students from Kachemak Bay Campus received certificates,…
Homer High School
The district rejected one proposal from two employee associations and is analyzing another
The rising cost of health care has been a key sticking point in the negotiations.
Homer High School
Thirteen teachers across the state were awarded the teachers of excellence award.
Homer Flex School
What do butterflies, video games and a parody of “Ice, Ice, Baby” by Vanilla Ice have in common?
The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly meeting was dominated by education funding Tuesday night, with the assembly passing an ordinance to…
As the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District makes contingency plans in case Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s proposed cuts to education funding…
Under clear, crisp skies, a troupe of Paul Banks Elementary School students climbed up a little ways into the hills…