The short documentary chronicles Homer resident George Faust, his history in circus arts and the impact of Parkinson’s disease
Nomination is part of USA Today’s 2024 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards
South Peninsula Haven House to host annual Women of Distinction awards on Saturday
The event will take place at Alice’s on Friday with an auction starting 5 p.m.
The concrete plant is intended to support the construction of a steel arch bridge as part of the Sterling Highway MP 45-60 Project
The event is an opportunity for job seekers to get face-to-face with potential employers and training providers
On Wednesday, March 20, 53-year-old Scott Ring from Anchor Point was sentenced by Superior Court Judge Bride Seifert to 25…
A Homer jury convicted 56-year-old Trevor Latimer of multiple drug-related charges last Thursday, the State of Alaska Department of Law…
Last Thursday, Homer’s First National Bank received an attempted deposit of a counterfeit $100 bill. The bill was a motion…
Kachemak Heritage Land Trust has protected 209.033 acres within the Kenai River watershed since 2020
City council resolution will be introduced on April 8
Each Homer High School teacher selects one outstanding student per year based on exhibition of one or more of the…
The Alaska Council of School Administrators named Homer Flex High School principal Chris Brown as Alaska Association of Secondary School…