Homer High School students moderated a Kenai Peninsula Borough mayoral election forum Thursday, featuring candidates Soldotna City Council members Linda…
Dave Carey, Linda Farnsworth-Hutchings, Zach Hamilton and Peter Micciche spoke to KPBSD Board of Education members
The pay bump does not apply to current Borough Mayor Mike Navarre, or to whoever is elected through the special mayoral election
In Homer, Kenai and Seward district finance staff will provide an overview of district finances
The four candidates for the upcoming Kenai Peninsula Borough mayoral special election spoke on current issues during a forum held…
The forum was hosted by the Peninsula Clarion and KDLL 91.9 FM in partnership with the Central Peninsula League of Women Voters
The legislation would increase and inflation-proof the mayor’s salary
He is a senior environmental professional and a former emergency response coordinator with Tesoro Alaska.
The special election was necessitated by the resignation of former Mayor Charlie Pierce
Mailing a borough to every box holder in the Kenai Peninsula Borough costs about $30,000 each regular election
The special election is slated for Feb. 14
The suit was filed by Charlie Pierce’s former executive assistant
Mike Navarre attended his first Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly meeting as mayor Tuesday night, where assembly members offered more details…