An unusual time warp happened during the last few years of COVID-19. People from all walks of life refer to…
This has been a surprisingly dry summer, and now we can see the results of it. As the haze from…
Summer can happen fast in Alaska and so everyone is out in their gardens. I’m in the process of building…
The unseasonably hot weather of this Memorial Day weekend was appreciated by everyone down at the Homer Farmers Market. Somehow,…
The time is here to welcome back our local farmers, crafters and food vendors for the 23rd season of the…
After such a beautiful weekend, can we even begin to think about winter? Can we hope for a warm fall…
Vendors will continue through October, but market booth closes this Saturday.
Late summer crops are coming in at the Homer Farmers Market.
I have to admit that I start getting a little sentimental around this time of year. I can see by…
I had the joyous opportunity to go berry picking this weekend with some new friends who just moved to town….
I tend to walk around the Homer Farmers Market in a daze like a child surrounded by shiny objects.
I’m lazy — I admit it. It is so seldom that I actually make it to the Homer Farmers Market…
SNAP doubling program makes fresh, locally grown food accessible to everyone.