The Lower Cook Inlet 2023 sport fishery town hall took place in Homer on Oct. 25 at Alaska Islands and…
The council will discuss issue further in December
Public comment is being sought by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries on a proposed rule that would implement…
That test was to assess a shallower net intended to better target “abundant” sockeye while reducing harvest on “weaker” kings
During a work session of the State Board of Fisheries last week, the board did not take action on requests…
The board-set optimal escapement goal for large late-run Kenai River king salmon has not been achieved in the four years that it has been in place
Proposals submitted to the Alaska Board of Fisheries for review and consideration in the upcoming winter meetings were published at…
Proposals set to be considered by the State Board of Fisheries this winter were published last week
Kenai Classic Roundtable topics include chinook, wind turbines, collaboration
Junior classic takes kids on the river
Snagging will be allowed beginning Wednesday at noon
State targets sockeye in Kenai test of selective harvest gear
As of Sunday, around 1.25 million sockeye had been counted in the Kenai River’s late run