Third-quarter sales taxes are 85% of projected revenues for budget.
Members discussed if the meetings were necessary with public Zoom access available.
Members also mull possible property tax exemption for nonprofit
In its Monday night meeting, members of the Homer City Council and city staff addressed concerns surrounding the ongoing land…
Clinic put on by local hospital, city, public health and others
Homer’s disaster declaration extended through March 9
Application deadline extended for rent, mortgage relief program
City manager authorized to negotiate Homer Spit lease with Salmon Sisters
City now accepting applications for additional financial grant programs
Ken Castner, Caroline Venuti and Rachel Lord will continue serving the city
Homer’s new city manager, Rob Dumouchel, has been settling in with over a month on the job so far.
Child care, social services and nonprofits can now apply for funds
Many races for the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly, the local school board and service area boards are uncontested after the…