The Homer City Council passed a resolution calling for emergency erosion repairs on the Homer Spit
The work session was hosted by comprehensive plan rewrite project leaders last Tuesday
The commission held a special meeting on Oct. 16 on the revised Lighthouse Village redevelopment
Comments from the EDC recommend not creating a city business license
The public is invited to share feedback on three potential growth scenarios on Tuesday
Homer Mayor Ken Castner on Monday ended his term in office and handed responsibilities off to Homer’s new mayor, Rachel…
The Election Canvass Board certified City of Homer election results on Friday
The special meeting will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at City Hall
The Ben Walters Lane Sidewalk Project is part of the city’s ongoing walkability efforts
Early results show few surprises, little support for South Peninsula Hospital bond
The Homer City Council finalized and adopted the 2025-2030 capital improvement plan during their last regular meeting on Monday, Sept….
The event, scheduled for Sept. 12, will be open to member businesses
A public forum was hosted by KBBI and the Peninsula Clarion last Thursday