Local memoir is an engaging window into what life on the central peninsula looked like in the second half of the 20th century
In “Fifty Miles From Tomorrow,” William L. Hensley divulges a lifetime worth of insight into both his childhood in the northwest Arctic and his decades of service as an unwavering champion of Alaska Native rights
Juneau writer spins haunting tales of Alaska’s darkest season in 1998 short story collection
From the start, the story has the same allure of a Hallmark Christmas movie
John Muir’s classic “Travels in Alaska” juxtaposes beauty with a writer’s disconcerting bias
Heather Lende’s “If You Lived Here, I’d Know Your Name” is as much about Lende as it is about Haines
The two women, shocked that they’ve been left behind by their family and friends, resolve that they will not resign themselves to death
Isolation, in all its forms, is a central theme of the book
Jaunty tales and folksy rhymes bring the far north to life in Robert Service’s poetry
When I talked to retired teacher and local author Charlie Stephens about his book, “Passion Over Pain,” in early May,…
“Fever Dream” begs the question of what is the most effective way to communicate the implications of environmental harm
Homer community resident Derek Stonorov is an Alaska brown bear expert. He started to watch and study the animal as…
Marie Aubert’s “Grown Ups” caught my attention with a flashy cover and a review from Independent Ireland on the cover