Ten days after Daylight Saving Time flipped, the Betster still hasn’t quite adjusted to the time change. Here at Latitude…
Jump into the Betster’s wayback machine and travel a year ago to the magical time of fall 2012. Remember that,…
If you’re one of those grumpy Homer curmudgeons who don’t like kids and live downtown, you might want to turn…
After decades of living in Alaska, the years and seasons blur together. The Betster’s memories might have gotten mixed up,…
You know how people these days get all harsh and rude, particularly on social media and the interwebs? Yeah, well,…
About this time of year, Homerites fall into outerwear confusion. One day it can be sunny and warm, with just…
Yet another Alaska reality TV show washes up on the airwaves. Starting Sunday on TLC is “Alaskan Women Looking for…
Skywatchers, if you missed the Harvest Moon Wednesday night, go take a look tonight and you’ll get a glimpse of…
An alert observer of the natural world e-mailed the Betster with an update on the sandhill crane migration. “Huge Normandy…
The other day the Betster and some friends debated whether or not it would rain on a holiday weekend. “It’s…
Your average American holiday requires some sort of token effort. It’s not just a day off. You have to cook…
You know why it rains in August? That’s so when students go back to school with their new clothes and…
If you did a web search on “photos of icky fall colors” on local social media pages, your eyes would…