Blame it on a cold spring, a ripping and gnarly break up, or just being too darn busy, but the…
“Skjdfsdan,” one of our hotshot reporters wrote as a draft lede to Best Bets. No, that’s not the French keyboard…
Homer has really gone to the birds lately. Apologies, but this is the only time of year the Betster gets…
Our erstwhile editor escaped to Europe last month. Yes, he brought back chocolate, souvenirs and a copy of the Reykjavik…
Spring has sprung! And with it, all that mud and gunk that spent months in the back of your mind…
“Are we out of the woods yet?” “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” These…
“Here comes the sun — doo doo doo doo.” Or so we thought. Maybe the rest of Homer was able…
Earlier this week the Betster drove by a big Bypass parking lot and saw sweepers in action. “Ruh-roh,” yours truly…
As we Alaskans know, living here brings many benefits: an Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend, no state sales or income taxes,…
The Betster saw something rather amusing the other day: a saying, proclaiming that “It’s like winter is really mad and…
If you’re reading this online from your Maui vacation cottage, Betsteroids, congratulate yourself on escaping for spring break at the…
Parents, brace yourselves. If you thought figuring out what to do with your various offspring for an extra few hours…
Was there ever a friend so fickle as the weather? The Betster thinks not. Just when she lulls us into…