The awards ceremony will take place on April 5.
Three awards were presented to South Peninsula Hospital health care providers and teams, part of this year’s Statewide Quality and…
Friends of the Homer Public Library will host the 2024 Celebration of Lifelong Learning event at the Homer Public Library…
The Haven House annual spring Women of Distinction event took place in the upstairs banquet room at Land’s End on…
South Peninsula Haven House to host annual Women of Distinction awards on Saturday
Each Homer High School teacher selects one outstanding student per year based on exhibition of one or more of the…
Homer Council on the Arts recognizes contributions to Homer’s art community
On July 5, the Homer Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center announced the winners in this year’s Fourth of July…
Each month, the school staff choose a student to receive the Homer Flex Phoenix Award based on their embodiment of…
Each month, the school staff choose a student to receive the Homer Flex Phoenix Award based on their embodiment of…
2 honored with annual award
Each month, the school staff choose a student to receive the Homer Flex Phoenix Award based on their embodiment of…