Net proceeds from the event support Ninilchik youth
Growing up spending my summers in one outdoor activity camp or another, my favorite days of all were the ones…
Over the years, I’ve been queried by the clueless, “What the #*%^ is so addicting about fishing? You always seem…
5K walk/run supports Ninilchik local youth
The Jakolof 10 Miler Bike/Run took place July 29. The event was sponsored by the Seldovia Arts Council. Runers and…
Homer High School is offering a Red Cross lifeguard training class for teenagers over the age of 16 at the…
Homer’s Hayes, Metz are on the same team again
Cycling challenge is organized to raise funds for cancer research, treatment
The rumors are true. Last week the fishing lagoon was issuing coho like a loaded Pez dispenser along with some…
Homer Irish Lords honored at Between the Tides Rugby Tourney
And finding a place to do what you choose in a world of options…
Homer United Football Club Premier Academy sent four teams to the Far North Invitational at Kincaid Park in Anchorage from…
Well, look what finally showed up at the ye ole fishing hole.