First-annual Homer Halibut Tournament scheduled Sept. 24-25

The Homer Chamber of Commerce is hosting the first annual Homer Halibut Tournament Sept. 24-25

The Homer Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center has rescheduled the Homer Halibut Tournament for Sept. 24-25, 2021. Previously a summer-long competition known as the Jackpot Halibut Derby, the Homer Halibut Tournament was reinvented as a two-day tournament to protect the halibut population and to effectively support the regional economy, according to Chamber president Brad Anderson.

“One of the biggest reasons was the fact that there were growing concerns with the sustainability of halibut in our fishing waters and the largest halibut are females who are the biggest egg layers,” Anderson wrote in an email. “Incentivising people to harvest the largest halibut all summer long was not in our region’s best interest to protect the fishery over the long run.”

The Chamber believes a two-day tournament, like the Winter King Salmon Tournament, will draw more attention and participation than a summer-long event would.

“Homer is known worldwide as the Halibut Fishing Capital of the World, so we want to remind people that this is the place to come to enjoy this world class fishing opportunity,” Anderson wrote.

Registration for the Homer Halibut Tournament will cost $100 per angler for both days and will offer prizes for both halibut and other species caught. Cash prizes will be determined by the amount of participants.

For more information, visit or contact the Chamber of Commerce at

Reach Sarah Knapp at