Voter stats for Oct. 3 Kenai Peninsula Borough/city elections
Voter turnout: 15% (8,203/52,455)
Absentee ballots: 20% (1,630/8,203)
Highest precinct for voter turnout: 35% Seward/Lowell Point (629/1,762)
Highest voter turnout for any race: 20% KPB Assembly Seat District 8: (1,280/6,230)
Races that were close:
KPB Assembly Seat 3: 27-vote difference (396/423)
KPB School Board District 7: 11 vote difference (307/296)
Seward Prop 1: 27-vote difference (143/170)
(For exact percentages and more information:
All elections are important. Elections don’t happen without a lot of effort by a lot of people. KPV wants to thank the following:
All the candidates who put the effort and time to make our community healthier;
All the elections clerks, staff and poll workers who do a phenomenal job administrating and running this process;
To the radio, newspapers and others who inform the voters about the election;
Most importantly to the voters, who took the time and effort to go and vote.
Remember all voices matter and it is important to express yourself!
Kenai Peninsula Votes is a nonpartisan voter education group. For more information contact us at