Alaska politics, like politics around the country, does indeed have its dark side. So, let me step out front and dispel the already debunked false narratives about a rumor being circulated by one of my opposing gubernatorial campaigns.
In an effort to discredit me, a false rumor about a 22-year-old issue with my former wife, Valerie, is being spread in Republican circles and within the hierarchy of the Alaska Republican Party, in an attempt to stop the campaign momentum and support being garnered by Team Pierce for Governor.
In 2000, during a child custody exchange at my home, my former wife Valerie and I had an emotional verbal exchange. Valerie was upset and later called police to file a complaint, but had no idea what the officer wrote down at the time. The next morning Valerie called to withdraw the complaint, stating she was a bit emotional that evening. However, the local police, for unknown reasons, refused to withdraw the complaint and decided to proceed on their own with a verbal harassment charge. I was threatened by authorities that they would drag our small children through the courts if I did not settle. Protecting our children was my priority, so I settled with the courts and paid a fine.
After an emotional and stressful year, the issue was closed. Valerie and I have spent the last 22 years making sure our children were raised in loving environments and are proud to say they have grown to be successful men.
Together, Valerie and I implore you to dismiss any politically charged attacks against me, which are just “dirty politics by an opposing campaign.”
Valerie Pierce sent the following letter:
“I wish you all the best in your campaign and hope you will be our next governor. I am sorry about the rumors of an argument 22 years ago that are being blown out of proportion. At the time we had already been divorced for over four years and this happened around the holidays. Pretty emotional time for everybody. You were so gracious in keeping the boys out of the issue, when the courts threatened you. Thank you and thank you for the many holidays we spent with the boys and Vonnie over the years.
You can share this letter with people making up stories and I want you and them to know I fully endorse you for governor.”
In closing, any questions regarding this matter will be referred back to this op-ed. Thank you, and thank you Valerie for endorsing my campaign for governor of Alaska.
Charlie F. Pierce is a Republican Party candidate for governor.