There are many reasons why we live in Homer but a common denominator exists for each of us who reside “at the end of the road” — the majestic and breathtaking beauty that provides a heartfelt appreciation for the wonders of nature and friendly atmosphere of our community.
Over the past three years, the Homer City Council has accomplished many lofty goals of which I have been privileged to serve and take part in those decision making processes. The current council has achieved a “balanced wisdom” to work together in making good things happen: our NEW police station that is currently under construction, the Greatland Road extension that allows for better access between Pioneer Avenue and Sterling Highway, keeping our water and sewer rates in check, reducing energy costs in our municipal buildings, resolving the Enstar gas line tariff issue, and reaching a consensus for resolving the HERC dilemma, with some recent discoveries that may help us “save” this historic structure. All these issues have been important milestones for Homer for which I have proudly weighed in on.
But there is still much to accomplish and that is why I am running for a second term to continue my role in that process. It has often been said “the community in which we live and work is only as good as the people who live and work in it.” And that philosophy was one I adopted many years ago as a catalyst to the many years of community engagement and volunteer service in an effort to give back. In addition to my current City Council duties, I previously served as a member of the Homer Planning and Zoning Commission, past President of Homer Elks, current Trustee of Homer Elks, current President of Kachemak Bay Masonic Club, past President of the Homer Chamber and continue to volunteer for numerous other activities in our community throughout the year.
Homer’s future is up to us, each and every one, young or old and from all walks of life. We each have a role and varied opinions regarding our economic and social issues. I have a public service passion for our community that, with your support, I can continue over the next three years as an experienced member of the City Council.
None of us are born with wisdom; wisdom is something we learn along life’s path and it must be channeled to make sure that we make the best decisions. And we must elect leaders who have the courage to make those wise and often tough decisions. I believe my life experience and past record as a member of our local government has equipped me with the wisdom and courageous leadership that can help our community grow sustainably in a manner that will be beneficial for all
So, I campaign for a second term on my record with demonstrated experience for making good things happen at all levels of our community. I earnestly solicit your confidence and support in re-electing me so that I may continue my role as a member of the Homer City Council. I solicit your vote on Oct. 1 so we can continue our work in making our community a better place to live, grow and create our sustainable future!