What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of domestic violence? If you are like most,…
Don’t be fooled
Let’s work together
Dunne: An an honor to serve
On Oct. 2 there are two Kenai Peninsula Borough propositions on the ballot that could potentially have a significant financial…
Dunne is best choice for assembly
If you eat anything, build anything, or purchase anything in Alaska, chances are it came on a truck. In fact,…
Seaton wrong person for Juneau
The following is the latest in a monthly series of articles about birds and birding, celebrating The Year of the…
I read with interest Hal Spence’s opinion piece in the Aug. 30 Homer News. I appreciate Hal’s effort to ensure…
Scholarship helped with sports camp
As of Aug. 2, 2018, Megan has been in recovery for five years. We have had our daughter back for…