Recently a woman sent the Homer News a message through Facebook about a friend she knew who could use a…
Thanks to Homer Foundation
Three weeks ago, Anna Meredith and Connor Schmidt represented Kachemak Bay Family Planning’s R.E.C. Room at Action to Access, the…
Back-to-school help appreciated
Above my desk, is a quote by the writer Kurt Vonnegut; “The most daring thing you can do with your…
Thanksgiving basket deadlines
It was the fall of 1970 when I took a mushroom identification class from Boyd Schaffer. Boyd was a master…
Make history
What kind of Alaska do You dream of?
I’ve lived in Alaska for over 43 years. In that time my wife Tina and I have raised two kids,…
Following is the latest in a monthly series of articles about birds and birding, celebrating The Year of the Bird,…
Seaton is a problem solver
Why has a family of four, entitled to $28,000 in Permanent Fund dividends over last three years only received less…