Alongside more than 49,000 Alaskans who signed the recall application, we’re celebrating a major development in our historic, bipartisan movement…
Information concerning the Village Public Safety Officer program, through news reports and public media comments, are not totally accurate information…
More needs to be done to stop murders of Alaska women
“Choose your battles wisely — there will be never-ending options here.”
2019 is an exuberant end to the decade. There has never been a better time to start or grow a…
Keep recreation options open
Usually when we hear the phrase “20/20,” we assume people are talking about vision, but now that the new year,…
Give Fish Project helped by donors
“What does ‘abduct’ mean?” my 7-year-old daughter asked me the other day. We had just walked into the Homer Public…
Gina Poths recently submitted an opinion piece on the Jet Ski issue in Kachemak Bay, and the piece contained so…
Sometimes a dream starts 30 years in the past.
Light up the tree
I feel like I need to address some concerns and comments printed in different news medias from Bob Shavelson with…