An Open Letter to Alaskans
Unlike Governor Dunleavy, we speak directly to you. Recall Dunleavy remains a broad, bipartisan, Alaskan-driven movement of people who care too much about our state to watch this governor cause irreversible economic harm and social distress to our home.
This Governor lacks a basic understanding of his own constituents and what we care about: respect for separation of powers, responsible planning for economic stability, and competent decision making that makes Alaska a great place to live. His partisan lies and misguided appeals to out of state news outlets only serve as further proof that this recall is critical to getting our state back on track.
We cannot ignore Governor Dunleavy’s recent push to spread misinformation about us and appeal to media in the Lower 48, rather than speaking with Alaskans about the issues our state faces. Contrary to what Dunleavy’s telling Outside media, this movement is not fueled by “special interests.” We are regular Alaskans; and we are Alaskans before we are Republicans, Democrats, Nonpartisan, or Unaffiliated voters.
Soon we will all have the opportunity to sign a second time during the petition phase of this movement. We are counting on Alaskans to stand tall to recall Gov. Mike Dunleavy, whose extreme actions have unequivocally demonstrated that he is the wrong man for the job.
For Alaska: Joe Usibelli Sr., Co-Chair; Arliss Sturgulewski, Co-Chair; Vic Fischer, Co-Chair; Aaron Welterlen, Steering Committee Member; Barbara Donatelli, Steering Committee Member; Bruce Jamieson, Steering Committee Member; Derek Reed, Steering Committee Member; Jerry Sadler, Steering Committee Member; Jim Dodson, Steering Committee Member; Jon Cook, Steering Committee Member; Joelle Hall, Steering Committee Member; Meda DeWitt, APOC Chair, Steering Committee Member; Meg Nordale, Steering Committee Member; Mike Mason, Steering Committee Member; Vince Beltrami, Steering Committee Member, Recall Dunleavy
Two a.m. ramblings
Some express unpopular opinions through joy, through anger, through sadness, through solace. I express mine through confusion. Day by day earth’s predicament confounds me, furrows my brows, and yet like the obedient cog that I am, I continue to act in the same manner — consuming the goods laid out before my eyes like a yellow brick road. How can one as insignificant as myself break from the system? How can a sheep become a shepherd?
A short while ago an answer came to me. I met a young woman, her positivity infectious, her actions kind and heartwarming. Through actions and interactions, no matter how small, a person can become an individual. Still within the crowd they could be reckoned with. If they practice what they preach, like laughter, deeds can cascade from one to another. Often it is the smaller things that have the biggest impact.
To make change an individual does not necessarily have to take the wheel. Instead they can gently guide from within, a nudge here, a prod there. One might coin it inception, a naysayer manipulation. And yet routinely this is how minds are changed, not by someone forcing so called “facts” down their throat, but by personal research.
Yet the confusion remains. I ask myself how the idea that everything is fine is still around, and it’s simple really. The idea remains because ignorance remains and ignorance, as we know, is bliss.
Ethan Bushey
Rocky Horror was fabulous
A shiny, sequined thank you to everyone involved with last week’s Rocky Horror Picture Show fundraiser. Jessica Williams, Jessica Golden, Maura Jones, and all the fabulous players with the Homer Cabaret Project breathed new life into the cult-classic film with their shadow cast antics and a delightful time was had by “virgins” and veterans alike. Around 130 tickets were sold, benefiting the R.E.C. Room and our planned purchase of a new van to help transport middle-schoolers starting next year. Thank you to the producers, participants, attendees, party guests, costumed wonders, dancers, volunteers, and especially to the staff of the Homer Theatre who helped clean up all the props… It was a time-warping success for Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic, and we are so grateful.
Catriona Reynolds, Executive Director, Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic
KBFPC thanks Pink Flag supporters
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a big deal at Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic. This October, community support raised significant funds that directly support clinical services like breast and cervical cancer screenings, and outreach about breast health and recommended check ups. The largest group ever participated in our October Pink Flag campaign: 58 local businesses and individuals supported KBFPC’s ability to provide low or no-cost appointments for any woman 21-64 years old. Contributors also flew pink flags that serve as an eye-catching reminder to schedule your annual check-up.
Our thanks to everyone who donated to help us spread the world and reduce the impacts of breast cancer in our area. KBFPC was also honored to receive a large contribution from the June 2019 Alaska Run For Women, a volunteer-led race organization in Anchorage that raises money for Alaska women’s health every year. Early detection is key, and KBFPC is here to help you manage your breast and reproductive health.
Amy Woodruff, Board President, on behalf of the KBFPC Board of Directors
Parents thank community, ask for Anesha’s return
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
We are the parents of Anesha “Duffy” Murnane. We believe that she was abducted off Pioneer Avenue about 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 17, on her way to a doctor’s appointment.
For us, there are no words, just emptiness. We exist, cry and keep searching. We are in shock — it seems surreal in this small, safe town to have someone just pulled into thin air.
She is an innocent, vulnerable adult, cheerful and a bit child-like. As a Montessori infant teacher, children loved her calm patience. Some of you may recall her book-buying drive for orphans in Honduras, when she volunteered at an orphanage for a year. Or perhaps her Duffy’s Wise Crackers sold at the Farmers Market, and you old-timers will remember her endless cookie stands out East End Road.
To all the volunteers, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you to those who have searched for her, those who have put up flyers, those who have made us food to sustain us during this terrible time. The love of this community and your efforts to help us find Duffy and get the family through this are what keep us going.
To those at a loss as to what to say to us: There are no words, just give us a look and nod or light touch and we will feel all the love. We are so grateful for your support and help.
To whomever took her: Please just do the right thing and let her go. Drop her off in a public place where people can call us to bring her home.
Sara Murnane Berg, mother of Anesha; Ed Berg, stepfather of Anesha
Random kindness is real
The other day I saw a bumper sticker that read, “Practice Random Acts of Kindness.” I didn’t think about it much until yesterday, when I actually experienced one. I was standing in line at the grocery store when I noticed that my items were being rung up together with the items of the gentleman in front of me. I pointed it out to the clerk and she kind of gave me a funny look. I said, “That’s my stuff.” The man simply turned to me and said, “I know.” He gave me a kind smile and walked away. I ran after him to thank him, but clearly that was not what he was looking for. That experience warmed my heart and reminded me that there is good in all of us; it just took a random act of kindness for me to take that simple saying to heart. I was inspired to do the same for someone else. I hope you will be, too.
Kara Clemens
Question the theory when predictions fail
I woke up to Amy Goodman warning us that shorelines will change by 2050, forcing millions to flee their coastal habitat.
Al Gore warned that Manhattan would be flooded 10 years ago.
When predictions fail, question the theory, people.
This Global Disturbance by human emissions is bunk. Record breaking cold is sweeping down into the states. The growing seasons are ebbing as a result.
CO2 is vital for our planet. Photosynthesis requires it. Raising the parts-per-million of it boosts food production, with negligible effect to our “greenhouse.”
Don’t be fooled, folks.
Tod Tenhoff