Medical care appreciated
Once again, my thanks to Dr. Tortora, nursing staff, and everyone at South Peninsula Hospital for keeping me alive.
Their care for me last week was world-class. My fellow Homerites and I are very lucky to have you. Thank you!
Mary Post
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you?
The Borough Planning Commission has scheduled another hearing on an application for an open pit gravel mine in our neighborhood in Anchor Point. We have come out with one voice opposing the granting of the permit because we know what it would do to the area. Homeowners around existing gravel pit extraction operations know only too well just what they have to look at and listen to each day, and we certainly don’t want that here.
The Commission, so far, has simply listened to concerned parties on both sides, with a vast majority urging denial. It’s our neighborhood at stake here. The applicants don’t live anywhere near the site, nor do their lawyers or the engineering firm they hired. But more importantly: neither do any of the Commissioners!
So they should simply visit the area for themselves. They will witness just how well berms and buffers “mitigate” the sounds and dust of these operations. They will see the concerns we have from our properties because the proposed site is in plain view and actually abuts existing homes. They will see the already poor road conditions, the proximity of the Anchor River and state campgrounds, and how the noise would be magnified by our topography.
We implore the Commission to make an informed decision on this case without emotion, without reliance on testimony from either worried residents or unconcerned developers by taking the time to make the one- hour drive to see all of this for themselves and not rely on deceptive photographs.
They are welcome on our property. We want them to look out from our deck and hopefully visit adjacent properties to confirm what a dangerous, ugly, polluting eyesore this proposed open pit would be.
Ann and Richard Cline
Grateful for medical support
Humbled, we are (I speak for myself and my husband, Mike Fairman). The Grand Mal Seizure Mike experienced Nov. 7, 2018, was something no spouse wants to witness. It was horrible. I thought he was gone, leaving an unexplainable hopelessness. We have seen every type of medical person since that day and as fortune would have it, Mike Fairman is still with us.
Part of the support for Glioblastoma Multiforme is a positive attitude. A position hard to maintain in a sea of uncharted waters, but this community is unpredictable. Homer has always been tuned to an uplifting spiritual side most people “feel” just visiting, but there are no words to express the extreme love Mike and I felt in these last few weeks.
Radiation and chemo are harsh, but, to all the good people of Homer who contributed to Mike’s benefit, thank you. It is impossible to name all those responsible for giving us a “first class healing from a community of healers.”
You all know who you are and what your gifts have meant to us. Special thanks to those who instigated the benefits, starting with Radio Flyers (whose “bake off” benefit at Anchor Point VFW, Feb. 22 was awesome). Right behind that one came another benefit at the Down East Saloon on Feb. 24, organized by Beth and John of the band Uplift (so many friends and businesses belong here), then Bill and Coleen Sims donated their huge bag of tips to the occasion, and right behind that came Nick (the taxi driver) with a big fat check from Kharacters (not just once, but Nick came twice).
Thanks to Rondy and crew at Kharacters for that big fabulous card.
Wow. “Thank you” seems so small in comparison. We cry a lot. Big babies really.
Maka and Mike
Many supported mighty marathon
You might be heart-warmed to know that 70-some skiers challenged themselves in a whiteout to ski the Kachemak Nordic Ski Marathon on Saturday March 9. All participants and volunteers were present and accounted for at the end of an hours-long, gnarly ski event. Skiers came from as far as Fairbanks and ranged in age from 9 to 72.
Homer’s own, John Berryman completed the 42k (26 mile) course after having jousted with a charging moose near the finish. He waited 10 minutes in a blizzard for the angry ungulate to clear the trail before he crossed the finish. 55 volunteers worked to make the course safe and as fun as it could be for six dozen intrepid souls.
We had hugs and stories and libations and hot food at Alice’s Champagne Palace after the race.
Volunteers and Donors to 2019 Kachemak Nordic Ski Marathon included:
Volunteers: Hope, Stephanie and Forrest Greer, Richard Burton, Cheryl Rychecheski, Suzanne Haines, Jay Cherok, Kristin Oelshlegal, Russ and Gloria Mumm, Josh Mumm, Bill Hague, Steve Soitsman, Christine Anderson, Jenny Edwards, Sue Post, Jim Levine, Marge Ringer, Sean Martin, Marie Hedergen, Cynthia Morelli, Lisa Wood, Lisa Krebs, Kim Sweeny, Amy Russell, Clay and Rebekah Eagerton, Bill Gee, Louis Dupree, Pat Irwin and Kathy Sarns Irwin, Lyn Maslow, Marianne Markhelz, Jill Berryman, Linda and Wayne Watson, Ruth Dickerson, Anna Dickerson, Jeanne and Kevin Walker, Emily Lints, Mike Byerly, Brian Harrison, John Miles, Taro Sasakura, Jordan Sawyer, Brad Marden, David Stutzer, Billy Day, Dave Brann, Mark S., Robert Archibald, Pete Alexson, Bill Worsfold, and Stan Purington.
Donors to Afterparty Swag: Summit Physical Therapy, Lands End Resort, Homer Saw and Cycle, Free Spirit Wear, Twin Creeks Trailhead Lodge, Morning Star Studio, and an anonymous donor.
Deland Anderson, KNSC
Recall Sarah Vance
What’s good for the goose is good for the goose.
Before the 120-day waiting period is over, we need to know — are you voting for the governor’s gutting of the state economy or are you going to show some spine?
Gordy Vernon
Dear Editor,
Despite the budget crunch, the State is replacing over 5 miles of perimeter fencing at the Homer Airport simply because some of the fence posts have heaved creating gaps where the chain link fence meets the ground.
Most of the existing chain link fencing is straight and plumb and all that was really needed was for the heaved posts to be driven back down. Instead, new posts have been driven and new chain link fencing is being installed parallel to the existing fence, after which the “old” galvanized fencing and posts will be removed and probably hauled to the dump.
It would be interesting to know who authorized this boondoggle and how much it is costing the taxpayers. These funds could have been better spent resurfacing roller-coaster Kachemak Drive.
Frank Griswold
Like $$$ falling from the sky
The Anchor Kings Wrestling Club is jumping for joy over the anonymous donation of $700 by a select group of fans in Homer.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. After the Homer Foundation agreed to help support The Kings’ “Gearing up for Competition Project” last month, the community has really started to take notice of our small but tenacious club that operates out of Anchor Point.
They are also starting to take notice on the mat, as our club grows so does its reputation. Weekend tournaments are well attended by the competitive wrestlers of the Anchor Kings.
Children of all ages are welcome to come and explore the disciplined sport of wrestling. Please feel free to contact the club at
We look forward to seeing you on the mat.
Cindy Burns
Have Alaskans recovered from spill?
Studies have shown that Prince William Sound and Gulf of Alaska beaches and wildlife have never fully recovered from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Less studied is whether affected Alaskans have recovered from dealing with Exxon. Exxon officials said they would clean it up, and pay the people that were damaged. In fact, they avoided cleaning the oil whenever they could, and vigorously and mostly successfully in the courts fought not to pay damages.
Exxon blatantly lied about the size of the spill and the cause of the grounding. State and federal officials, afraid of Exxon’s famous litigiousness, decided the truth didn’t matter, and let Exxon write the history as they wished.
The spill was three times larger than they reported, about 30 million gallons. The cause was that they were attempting a dangerous, illegal shortcut and Gregory Cousins, unqualified to be piloting the ship, made a tragic mistake, throwing the wheel hard right when entering the “old steamship passage,” swinging the bow to contact Bligh Reef. Hazelwood compounded the damage and loss of oil by drunkenly trying to motor off the reef.
Exxon has repeatedly asserted the lies about the size and cause of the spill. There is no statute of limitations on continuing deception and fraud. The state and federal governments could not sue Exxon and win a lot of money. Why not? Because there is one standard of justice for a rich and powerful rogue corporation and another standard for the rest of us, who are required to be honest and accountable.
W. Findlay Abbot
To the Honorable Michael Dunleavy
Dear Governor, You are cordially invited to come to a public forum in Homer at a time of your choosing. We are Alaskans For Progress, a working group of the Kachemak Resource Institute, an issue oriented citizens group. We published (on behalf of his widow Bella) Governor Hammond’s last memoir: “Diapering The Devil” and support his commonsense, common man philosophy also advanced by Governor Hickel in his defense of the commons.
We will book the largest meeting hall available and provide you with room and board in a comfortable private home.
The subject on many minds is the funding of state services and that will be one focus of the gathering. You are free to expand the conversation in any way.
Sea state permitting we will ask Clem Tillion, senior public philosopher, to run the meeting.
We hope you will seize the opportunity to join us.
Larry Smith, corresponding secretary, Kachemak Resource Institute