Letters to the Editor

A Christmas message for all

Taking this time to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with joy and happiness.

Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it the most. It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future. May we bond together in love and caring and keep the stars adjoined in the glow of a peaceful outcome for the problems faced in this world.

The battle of life is difficult and peace hard to find, but each of us has the ability to take that moment to feel the joy of peace and love, if only in our hearts. Who knows, one day we may all join together with the wisdom, strength and grace to be a part of a lasting and eternal peace.

I know that looking at the world as it is now it is hard to imagine. Keep the heart of love always present and find the joy that is there within you. Perhaps one day the hate and violence will be a thing of the past.

We must look forward to a future filled with beauty and love. If we do not do this we become the embittered remnants of all those who have been the catalysts for all things evil in this world. Love is the promise, God is the gift, and we must be the answer. God bless you all.

Gary Carter


Assembly ordinance will censor public testimony

I hope all Kenai Peninsula Borough residents are aware the new president of the assembly introduced an ordinance to limit public testimony. There will be a public hearing on this in the first week of January.

Limiting NO PUBLIC INPUT at the end of their meetings, and severely limiting testimony in general. This is an outrageous proposal, and conveniently timed. Holiday distractions, family vacations, and the citizens who can afford to be snowbirds are out of town.

This is analogous to fishery boards meetings when the impacted are fishing. Of course, they could say it will streamline the meeting time, but I call it CENSORSHIP. You ran to represent “we the people,” and this resident/taxpayer of 47 years is outraged.

Several Homer residents called in with protest, and I was so shocked, I had to process this pending ordinance before commenting. Profanity is not appropriate on the radio. Please pay attention to this ordinance!

Rita Turner
