Letters to the Editor

Getting the Kenai bluff stabilization project done

Thank you President Biden and the federal government for providing the overwhelming majority of funds to address the erosion problem at the mouth of the Kenai River.

Dave Seaman


Homer Foundation scholarship much appreciated

My name is Livia Polushkin. I’m a Russian Old Believer from Voznesenka Village and a first-generation college student. I was recently made aware that I’m one of two lucky recipients of the Health Care Providers Scholarship in the amount of $5,000 from the Homer Foundation. I am writing this letter to express my overwhelming gratitude and happiness for their extreme generosity. I’m so very appreciative that the Homer Foundation invested these resources in order for me to be able to pursue my education in nursing here at the UAA Kachemak Bay campus. This scholarship will allow me the financial freedom to focus on school work and completing my nursing degree without the added stress of keeping up with tuition and book fees along with everyday bills. Again, a very heartfelt thank you to all the folks at the Homer Foundation that allowed me the opportunity to finish my nursing degree with a little less stress on my shoulders.

Livia Polushkin

Thank you for Homer Foundation grant

Kachemak Heritage Land Trust staff and Board of Directors send a giant thank you to the Homer Foundation for our recent grant award. These funds have allowed KHLT to purchase equipment to help us continue to steward land under our care and complete an energy audit of our new office at 350 Bonanza. Financial help from the Homer Foundation through this grant adds to the maintenance, for example, of KHLT’s Calvin & Coyle Woodland Park and Nature Trail, as well as helping us evaluate the conservation values of properties we’re considering for perpetual conservation. Yay for having a great community foundation in our town!

Marie McCarty

Executive director, Kachemak Heritage Land Trust

To Whom it May Concern,

We are voicing our opposition to the development of a road and port proposal by CIRI for the Johnson Tract Mine to Tuxedni Channel on the west side of Cook Inlet for development purposes of their mine.

Chisik Island on the other side of the channel from the unspoiled wilderness of Lake Clark National Park is a Federal Bird Sanctuary Established in 1908.

The Island is host to a National Historic Landmark Snug Harbor Cannery.

Tuxedni Bay is home to Humpback, Grey,Beluga Whales, Endangered Eider ducks,many other birds, Bears and abundant marine life.

A proposed road with a port through the park to Tuxedni Channel would be very destructive to all marine and wild life natural treasures such a fossils that are millions of years old and the pristine beauty that should be treasured by all forever and should not be destroyed by any company for Profit. Comment period to National Park Service ends soon. Think about it.

W. Porter
