Homer Foundation helps seniors in pandemic relief
The Anchor Point Senior Citizens Inc (APSCI) has been working hard to keep our seniors and residents connected during this time of pandemic. Every day APSCI touches base with community members to assess needs and work hard to find solutions. Since the full closures in March, APSCI has provided thousands of pounds of fresh fish, produce, fruit, and more to the community at no charge every week and the kitchen has been busy with providing TAKEOUT meals.
APSCI would like to publicly express our thanks and appreciation to the Homer Foundation for their generous financial support. We are particularly thankful that the Homer Foundation has reached out to support APSCI as a neighboring agency of Anchor Point. Networking draws our communities closer, and with cohesiveness comes a greater sense of security and support. The Homer Foundation has routinely checked on our agency, to ensure that we may continue to provide many services to the community of Anchor Point. For this we are grateful.
The Homer Foundation has also contributed to our fundraising efforts towards converting to natural gas. This conversion will save us thousands of dollars in heating bills over the years. This conversion to natural gas has been a discussion in our organization for quite some time and we are now on step to accomplish this. Even the pandemic setbacks will not deter APSCI from moving toward sustainability.
We are very appreciative of the support from the Homer Foundation and the community.
Cindy Burns, for the Anchor Point Senior Citizens Inc. Board of Directors
Replace Cook statue
I think now is the time to replace the Captain James Cook statue at Resolution Park with an AOC statue. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, a congresswoman from New York, is the greatest intellectual of our time. She is the mother of the Green New Deal that will save mankind from world extinction. Now is the time to get onboard with this change before it is too late.
John Suter, Chugiak
Vance should show caring by wearing a mask
I would like to share a very important story of my interaction with Rep. Sarah Vance today in the parking lot at Safeway. I noticed Sarah coming out of Safeway smiling away without a mask on and I was about to enter Safeway with a mask. I felt a wave of emotions come over me seeing her so blindly leading us as a representative who makes decisions on behalf of us when I know she does not represent the heart of Homer.
I walked over to her as she put her carriage away. I asked her why she was not wearing a mask. She seemed to be a little shocked and caught off guard at my firm and polite request for the truth with deeply serious eyes waiting for what kind of answer she could give that would be understanding or acceptable. She went on to say that “the data shows,” sounding like a robot without any human response … and I cut her off quite quickly to tell her that I believe she should be ashamed of herself for not caring enough about us as a community to wear a mask to keep both herself and the public that she is supposed to protect and represent safe and sound.
It deeply sadness me that she as a leader does not take the virus safety seriously. We, the heart of Homer, will not let her forget that as a leader she has responsibility for truth, justice and safety for the community so that we can thrive and be alive. I was very sad to see that she is not awake and conscious enough as a leader and individual to take our community safety first above her self -entered ideas, as this is not the behavior of a true leader.
This is not a political matter. This is an ethical matter.
Kristie Forster, Homerite, legal secretary, Independent
Fanning the virus flames away
Last week a letter-writer castigated Rep. Sarah Vance for not promoting social distancing or mask wearing at her Hornaday Park re-election “ice-cream social” gathering. The writer was misinformed regarding the supposed benefits and risks for an outside gathering.
Firstly, the benefit of mask wearing masks is greatly overrated. The material in most cotton-based masks can block much of the transmission of droplets but are ineffective, at best, at restraining leaking and the subsequent tangential spread of aerosol emissions from around the mask edges, especially when worn over a beard or worn loosely, as most are.
Secondly, the gathering was held outside with a constant breeze which blows away any potential viruses and thus virtually precludes the possibility of transmission.
Holding the meeting outside at the Park was actually the smartest place for Rep. Vance to meet in person with her constituents.
Larry Slone
Homer Foundation supports Mariners
The Homer High School Mariner Booster Club would like to recognize generous financial support from the David and Elizabeth Schroer Fund, a donor advised fund at the Homer Foundation. The gift assisted in our purpose to provide support for all organized sports and activities at Homer High School including fall and winter sports and drama, debate, and forensics.
Operating under the Kenai Peninsula Student Activities Association (KPSAA) and the Alaska Schools Athletic Association (ASAA), the Booster Club is a nonprofit corporation that helps fund team expenses, including travel and uniforms, advocates participation in co-curricular activities, and promotes student development. Our students are well-rounded as they must maintain standards of eligibility in academic progress, personal conduct, and enrollment. This year both our Volleyball and Hockey teams won their State Championships! Thanks again to our parents, coaches, and community for your generous time and support.
Kathy Beachy
President, HHS Mariner Booster Club