
Let’s work together

I salute politicians serving in any office in our country these days. It is a difficult, challenging time for politicians. More than ever I think we are in need of intelligent, honest, courageous leadership at all levels from Homer City Council to the U.S. President. I encourage people to vote, and participate.

This is a great country. I come from a family with 300 years in America (150 of those in the South). I have lived in Alaska since 1963. As an American and Alaskan, I am concerned about these current times. The politics here and everywhere are polarized, making decision making difficult. Also, Alaska faces challenges as we face lower oil income. Nationally, our leadership at the top needs change; it is divisive, and not forward looking. Our leadership seems to promote divisiveness at every turn. Trump needs to go. Our politics need to become less polarized, less partisan and promote people working together.

I grew up in Anchorage in the 1960s-1970s where people pitched in to do things regardless of what group they were in, whether it was church, political party, race or other. There were problems, but we didn’t have the divisiveness we do now. We were proud to be Alaskans who got things done. The Anchorage I grew up in was a small city of about 50,000. Although small, we were a community who built a state, and rebuilt after the 1964 earthquake. So, now is not a time to go backwards. I urge everyone to vote and participate. Vote for leaders with intelligence, honesty and courage. Let’s work together.

Charles E. Barnwell

Republican Party off the mark No. 2

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During the recent primaries, the Republican Party maligned Paul Seaton (running as an Independent) for his promotion of vitamin D. Well, anyone who has read the report showing why those of us living in the North have a deficiency of Vitamin D, can readily understand the health benefits for all age groups.

How often have we heard of a legislator doing anything that can positively affect every resident of the state? I would say very rarely or almost never. Paul Seaton’s proposal that everyone consider taking extra vitamin D can reduce illness and in turn the cost of health care for all of us. Since I have been on this regimen, I can say that I personally can’t remember the last time I had an illness that prevented me from completing my daily schedule.

Copies of the vitamin D study are freely available from Paul’s office, and if you are at all interested in protecting your personal health and that of your family you should read it and act on its advice. The worst that will happen is that your doctor bills will decrease, your lost job time will be reduced and you and your family will feel better.

Paul Seaton is on the mark on this one and cheap shots (no pun intended) by the Republican Party are badly missing the mark.

Philemon D. Morris, former Mayor, Kachemak City

Franz is wrong on Stand for Salmon

I appreciate Charlie Franz’s opinion on the Stand for Salmon Initiative published on the Homer News website, but he’s just plain wrong on several fronts.

First, the Stand for Salmon website has had the link to Ballot Measure 1 posted from the beginning. Go to www.standforsalmon.org/get-the-facts.

Next, the ballot initiative sets out common-sense, scientific standards for protecting our wild salmon. Under current law, the state need only find there’s “proper protection” for our salmon when green-lighting a project, and the term “proper protection” is undefined. And because there’s no public notice or comment on fish habitat permits today, Alaskans are completely cut-out of these backroom decisions. That makes no sense.

Finally, it’s important to connect the dots, and to see the bigger picture of what’s going on here. Recall the ballot measure to overturn our oil tax bill (Senate Bill 21) in 2014. SB 21 only passed the Senate because two ConocoPhillips employees voted for it. All the big oil and gas corporations bankrolled the SB 21 fight against oil tax reform, and they narrowly won. Then we had to pay these companies such exorbitant profits and tax credits – such as the billion dollar tax credit the Legislature approved this year – that our dividends got cut to pay for basic services.

According to a recent analysis, a family of four lost more than $15,000 in their PFD the past 3 years due to excess corporate profits and tax credits. Not surprisingly, these very same corporations — British Petroleum, ConocoPhillips and others — are fighting our right to protect out salmon under the Stand for Salmon Ballot Measure 1. Why? Because these giant corporations know, plain and simple, they can reap higher profits by cutting corners on salmon habitat protections.

So, don’t be fooled by the multi-million dollar ad campaign flooding our airwaves and internet. Vote “Yes for Salmon” on Ballot Measure 1.

Mako Haggerty

Half-k Brew-to-Brew thanks

KBBI would like to say a big thank you to this awesome and supportive community for participating in our 0.5 K brew-to-brew last month. Not only was it a great time, we raised funds for our local public radio station and perpetuated KBBI’s mission of community engagement. We’d like to thank:

The Mile Marker Stations: sustainable wares, GCI and Kachemak Bay Conservation Society. The Donut Sponsor: The Classic Cook. The Donut Location Donor: Homer Saw & Ccycle. The VIP Transport Sponsor: Homer Trolley and Tours. The Generous Local Breweries: Grace Ridge Brewing and Homer Brewing Company.

Many thanks also go to the Homer News, Lakeshore Glass and Spit Sisters for providing parking. Thanks also to Moore and Moore Services for Port-A-Potties. Thank you Wagon Wheel and Lakeshore Drive Residents for letting us trample through your front yard. Thank You Jeff Szarzi for the beer steins.

Thank you City of Homer Planning and Homer Police for helping permit, equip and provide safety measures.

And last but definitely not least: Thank you KBBI Staff, Board members and family members for volunteering to run the event. Cheers to you.

Terry Rensel, KBBI Station Manager, and Alder K.Seaman, KBBI Development Director

HCOA arts scholarship appreciated

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to HCOA for the Summer Youth Arts Scholarship that I received. Thank you for providing a valuable learning experience for youth through your scholarship application process. I was required to submit an application, write an essay on what my art form means to me, interview in front of a panel, and perform an original dance piece. This scholarship helped make it possible for me to attend the Central Pennsylvania 5 Week Summer Youth Dance Program in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Here, I trained with over 500 students from across the United States and around the world under the guidance of distinguished instructors, including the renowned Marcia Dale Weary. This program focused on ballet technique, attention to detail, strength, stamina, flexibility, and nurturing artistic development. During my time in Pennsylvania, I gained an increased understanding and appreciation for the beautiful art of ballet, formed lasting friendships, learned important life skills, and grew as dancer and as a human. I am truly grateful for this experience.

Thank you HCOA for giving youth in our community the opportunity to explore the arts, develop their passion, and chase their dreams.


Ireland Styvar

HCOA helped with clinic

I would like to thank the Homer Council on the Arts for their generous support in helping me attend piano clinic this summer. With their scholarship award, I was able to extend my piano lessons a few extra weeks this spring and summer. I was able to work on a Bach song, and I was able to spend two lessons learning about music theory.

Thank you again HCOA for your scholarship program, and for your continued support of the arts here in Homer.

Lion Trejo, age 12

Volunteers make Pier One theater happen

As a newcomer to Homer theatre, I was 100 percent certain that when I auditioned for Spamalot with Pier One, I would be enjoying the show from the audience and not as a member of the cast. Much to my surprise, I made the cut, and had the honor of performing in not one but two productions this summer (Calendar Girls was the second), with a great group of kind-hearted and talented people.

I want to thank all the wonderful volunteers who make theater happen in our community. Every production is the result of a tremendous collective effort driven by the dedication of dozens of people including directors, musicians, actors, and choreographers; set, make up, costume, lighting, sound, and prop designers; house and stage managers; and concessions, ushers, and visual graphics volunteers.

Pier One’s passion for bringing high quality theatre to life in Homer is truly an inspiring and humbling thing to be a part of. I’m so glad that I got the chance to work with each of these individuals and I look forward to seeing what the 2019 season will bring.

Jessica Golden

Seaton works with District 31 community

Thank you Rep. Seaton for always showing up at community events and forums, taking calls, being accessible and giving the facts without the attacks. It is most refreshing in a political climate that is often driven by party unity and the dividing of the commons. I appreciate you as a non-partisan representative to represent and work with diverse groups of people and all parties. And l likewise notice and appreciate you wife Tina Seaton for her volunteering, care and support for the good of our community.

Candy Rohrer

Don’t be fooled

One of the most important things citizens can do is make an informed vote. That’s not always an easy task. Sometimes issues seem purposefully muddled to attract the votes of the unwary. In this Day of allegations of “Fake News”, the use of vast amounts of corporate money to sway outcomes, and frequent tactics to obscure truth, it is crucial that people take time to dig below the Headlines and understand issues that will affect our lives.

At first look, Ballot Measure 1 can be confusing. Commercials touting “Stand for Alaska”, with gill netters hauling out salmon in the background, urge us to vote No. They claim stricter standards to protect anadromous waterways are “foolish and unwise” because they will stymie development. Another commercial of a guy catching and releasing a fish ends with”salmon deserve better”. These are deceptive statements. The biggest threat to salmon is the potential degradation of their habitat by the mining, logging, and other industries that support the “Stand for Alaska” platform and don’t want new regulations. I hope people won’t be fooled by the glossy commercials and confusing rhetoric that the No side is perpetuating with their nearly 8 times greater campaign budget.

Salmon do deserve better and so do Alaskans. It would be foolish not to take measures to protect this vital resource that supports so many Alaskans in so many ways. If you think so too please go to the polls and vote “YES” on Ballot Measure 1 to Stand for Salmon.

Steve Hughes, 35-year resident of Kachemak Bay

Walker showed backbone

I just read John McCain’s book “The Restless Wave.” A quote from his book is, “There’s more that unites than divides Americans.” What unites Alaskans is the quality of life here. But what is the quality of life if you must choose between food or medicine or you live in fear of becoming a crime victim?

Gov. Walker has tried to address Alaska’s problems without much legislative support. Remember how many times the legislature was called back into extended session costing the State Treasury millions of scarce dollars?

I will vote for Bill Walker because he has shown a strong backbone and made unpopular, but necessary decisions, like reducing the permanent fund dividend. That’s something the Senate Republican Majority should have done but lacked the courage to make such an unpopular decision in an election year, all the while refusing to consider new revenue sources like a state income tax. All other 49 states have a state-wide sales tax and/or an income tax. In 2015 the Rasmuson Foundation, the University of Alaska, the Anchorage Institute of Economic and Social Research and others all supported a State Income Tax as a way out of the current fiscal crisis.

Governor Walker implemented a pay raise for Alaska State Troopers to stem the problem of expensive Trooper turnover to other states with higher salaries and defined benefits. This is one example of directly addressing a specific high cost item in the state budget.

If quality of life issues are important to you Bill Walker is the logical choice for Alaska’s next Governor.

Michael McCarthy

Hospice gives thank to City of Homer Fund

Hospice of Homer wishes to thank the City of Homer Fund for their generous 2018 grant. This grant will support Hospice of Homer’s three main programs: direct volunteer-care, medical equipment loan, and bereavement support. Our volunteer program provides in-home care and companionship to more than 40 housebound and end-of-life clients per month. Our medical equipment loan program allows clients to remain comfortable in their homes by supplying hospital beds, toilet seat risers, walkers, wheelchairs, incontinence supplies, shower benches, and lift chairs. Our bereavement program supports more than 20 clients and their families each month, through direct-mail, grief-related information and through one-on-one counseling and support groups.

Hospice of Homer programs are an important part of Homer’s network of non-profits that help members of our community in difficult times. Our services are available to the public free of charge.

The City of Homer Fund grant will go a long way toward helping Hospice of Homer support the members of our community who are facing illness and end-of-life. We are grateful to be selected as a recipient for this award.

Jessica Golden, Executive Director,

Hospice of Homer

Homer Farmers Market thanks its supporters

The Homer Farmers Market welcomes all growers of farm, garden, and greenhouse produce to participate in a weekly market. The Homer Farmers Market was established in 2000 to aid in the development of a sustainable local agricultural community for the benefit of the greater community of the Kachemak Bay area.

The Alaska Farmers Market Association with parent organization Cook Inletkeeper received a 2017 USDA FMPP Grant to promote connectivity and collaboration amongst Alaska’s farmers markets. The Homer Farmers Market has received $1150.00 from that grant to support our local market. With this funding our market produced a variety of marketing and advertising materials, helping our market grow and increasing economic opportunity for our vendors.

The market was also presented with a City of Homer Grant through the Homer Foundation. This grant provided funding provided the market with operation funds which were used to support our EBT/SNAP Program, a program that doubles QUEST (formally known as food stamps) benefits for recipients. Our market supports a more equitable food system and this is a small way we can help contribute to greater food security. Funds were used to pay for staff time and materials. Our doubling funding was provided by a very loving anonymous couple, who also share these values.

This year marked our first ever sponsorship of some key features of the market. The Kids Activities was sponsored by Ulmer’s Drug and Hardware, with Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies conducting the weekly activities. Chef at the Market was partially funded by the awesome folks with the Homer Garden Club.

The Homer Farmers Market also sends a very special thank you to the entire Homer community for supporting our local farmers market. As a vibrant and integral piece of our local community and its economy, the Homer Farmers Market supports farmers, cottage food producers, local crafters, education, and so much more.

Thank you for your supporting Alaska’s farmers markets and growers!

Robbi Mixon, Director, Homer Farmers Market

Grace Ridge supports HAF

Our Homer Animal Friends tagline is “Find a Friend For Life.” We’ve certainly found wonderful friends in Grace Ridge Brewing. On Sept. 1, HAF received a generous donation from Don and Sherry Stead. Thanks to Grace Ridge and to all of the animal lovers who stopped in, had a beer and left dollars in the tip jar that was dedicated to us for the month of August. We would also like to thank Grace Ridge for sponsoring our Sunday afternoon Yappy Hour – we had several lovely Sundays that allowed us to sit, sip, and talk dog on their patio. Good times for dogs and people, alike.

For those who may not be aware – Grace Ridge Brewing donates all of the tips earned in a given month to a different nonprofit in our community.

On another note – don’t miss our Pet First Aid Seminar scheduled for Oct. 14. You can purchase tickets for this event at the HAF Store located on Main Street.


Darlene Hilderbrand and Pat Moss, HAF Board members

Flex loves DocFest

The Documentary Film Fest of 2018 at the Homer Theatre was an amazing opportunity for the Homer Flex Community. The Theatre allowed Flex students to attend the festival, and throughout our viewing of the documentaries, we encountered a wide variety of topics and events that challenged us to think critically. Flex greatly appreciates this annual opportunity to learn and expand our view of the world.


Colten Lee Morris-Dye

Power to the 99 percent

I read in an Anchorage Daily News commentary that the plague of homelessness, including regular folk that made some bad decisions, is the fault of the poor themselves. Across the page I read that two-thirds of our population couldn’t come up with $500 cash to cover an emergency expense. The homeless are not to blame for this condition of debt servitude.

Inequality is being addressed by socialist democrats. They are reacting to socio-economic decay. Deep angst over social change stems from the deification of capitalism by the masters of assets.

Instead of liberating us from the grind, though, technology is being used to exploit humanity. Popular sentiment is weighing in more about alternatives to this system of struggling indebtedness. Power to the 99 percent, smilingly.

Tod Tenhoff

Share the Spirit season starts

Heres hoping you have had a successful year and that you have been able put aside a bit of your earnings to take care of your household’s needs for the holiday season. If that has not yet been possible, please plan now to hold a bit of your PFD in reserves for the holidays and if none of that will be possible, watch this space over the next few months for information on how to apply for a Share the Spirit Holiday basket.

For all the members of our community please consider this letter as a reminder that the PFD is days away and we ask that you plan to put a bit aside to donate to this Holiday program. With this type of help, we have been providing Christmas Baskets for needy neighbors for 26 years. Donations may be dropped off at Wells Fargo Bank or mailed to PO Box 3218 Homer.

There will be many ways for all members of the community to be involved in this area wide project and in the upcoming issues of this paper; we will detail these options for you.

Our immediate need (again) is an organizer for the Spaghetti Feed our Annual fund raising event, which is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 11th. If any group, family of individual were willing to take on this project, we would be appreciative. If interested please call Share the Spirit @ 235-7466 and leave a message, we will call you back!

In a perfect world, no one will be in need, but we know we do not live in that world, rather in one where our neighbors still need our help….

Share the Spirit wishes you all the best, we will reach out to the community again in the days to come, until then…

Remember to Share the Spirit.

Kelly Glidden, co-chair, Basket Program; Shari Daugherty, advisor, Basket Program; Jayne Locklar, President, and Jonathan Adams, vice-president and co-chair, Share the Spirit.

Don’t forget Lions basket program

Greeting to all of the wonderful people of Homer. It is that time of year again when I start sending out my plea for donations for the Thanksgiving Basket program. Hopefully each of you got a PFD and will be willing to share part of it with this much needed program. If you can give a donation, please send your check to :Kachemak Bay Lions P.O. Box 1824 Homer, Alaska 99603. You are also welcome to donate turkeys or any other food items that would help feed a family at Thanksgiving. We will be again serving Homer, Anchor Point, Ninilchik, and expect to exceed what we did last year. There were 230 baskets given out and we served well over 600 people. You can all be proud of any part you played in this.

If you wish to help with the putting together of the baskets, please contact me at 235-8761 and leave a message. There is room for everyone to help and even if you don’t call, you are welcome to come and work. Friday, November 16 we will need trucks at the stores to pick up food and people to help set up at the Methodist Church at about 6:30. Saturday, November 17 is packing day and we start at 8:30 AM. There will be more letters later on with more instructions so keep watching and Thank you so much for your service.

Yours in service,

Fran Van Sandt, Chairman

Kachemak Bay Lions

Community Food Basket Program