Lee, a longtime resident of Anchor Point, Alaska, passed away peacefully at the age of 80. Born in Oregon, Lee’s life journey was shaped by adventure, resilience, and a pioneering spirit. After World War II, his family embarked on a long and treacherous journey to Alaska, where they became some of the early settlers of Anchor Point and Homer.
Throughout his life, Lee wore many hats and served his community in countless ways. He was a boat captain and harbor master, a school bus driver, a tour guide, a commercial fisherman, and a security guard. These roles reflected his deep connection to the sea and his love for Alaskan life’s vibrant, hardworking spirit.
In addition to his professional endeavors, Lee found joy in playing the drums. He was also a devoted bird watcher, an avid reader, and an enthusiastic game player.
Later in life, Lee migrated south to Washington State, where he spent his remaining years surrounded by loved ones. Despite the distance, his heart always remained in Alaska, which he considered his forever home.
Lee is preceded in death by his parents, Larry and Inez Clendenen. He is survived by his beloved sister, Gail Daly, and his 4 children: TonyClendenen, Naomi Ellis, and Dana Clendenen-Lopez and honorary daughter Stormi Fulton. He also leaves behind seven grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, many cousins, nieces, nephews and friends.
A memorial service and the spreading of his ashes will be held at a later date in his beloved Alaska.
Rest in peace, Le Roy Wiley Clendenen.