Vitamin D can’t be forced on Alaska residents

A recent article reveals that Homer’s Alaska State Rep. Paul Seaton ­— like many other Alaskans — has discovered the health benefits of vitamin D. But unlike we mere mortals who are limited to the power of persuasion, Mr. Seaton carries “the Big Stick.”

As a representative in the Alaska State Legislature, Mr. Seaton can bypass the seemingly less effective method of persuading others of the virtues of ingesting supplemental vitamin D3 (when necessary) and simply force them to submit to a government mandated test which will lead to forced consumption of vitamin D3 if such is deemed warranted by government.

“You can’t force anybody to take vitamin D,” said Rep. Higgins.

“That’s true,” Seaton said.

How can Paul Seaton expect any constituent to believe that if government is convinced it has the power to cause a mother to submit to a blood test of her newborn child, this government does not believe it has the power to mandate administration of vitamin D if government tests show need is present?

The proper role of government regarding vitamin D deficiency should be advisory. Private individuals (including myself) will provide free vitamin D3 supplements to those who believe they are lacking. The Rotary club provides inexpensive vitamin D tests at regular health fairs.

Mr. Seaton seems to have lost touch with the core values of many voters in his district — that a person owns his or her own body. Mr. Seaton, if a man’s home is his castle, certainly his body is, too.

Jack Polster
