In honor of Veterans Day, dozens of veterans and supportive organizations gathered to march down Pioneer Avenue to the Alaska Islands and Ocean Visitor Center for a ceremony in recognition of all the veterans who have served in the armed forces. The parade featured numerous veterans and supporters waving flags and tossing candy to the community members who lined the sidewalks.
Once the parade arrived at the visitor center, members of the American Legion Post 16 took turns addressing the crowd to recognize the meaning of Veterans Day.
“On this day, Veterans Day, we are commemorating the service of veterans of all wars,” Eileen Faulkner, commander of the American Legion Post 16, read during the service. “We remember how men and women set aside their civilian pursuits to serve their nation’s cause, defending the freedom of man kind and preserving our precious American heritage.”
“We recognize service to our country, and her cause does not end with the termination of military service,” Faulkner continued. “We continue our endeavors on behalf of an honorable world peace, with a feeling of profound gratitude to God and to the men and women who gave their lives as their part of the cost of this noblest of causes.”
Before the ceremony concluded, Eric Henley placed the Fallen Soldier Battlefield Cross, Christie Hill played “Taps” and a modified 21-gun salute rang through the air.
A Quilts of Valor service was held later Thursday afternoon in recognition of recipients Gary Squires and Leroy Keene.
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