At Kenai Peninsula United Way we are still working hard for the existing annual workforce campaign. If you have not yet been contacted, please let us know so that we can set up a time for your presentation. We can be contacted at 907-283-9500 or by email at
We are currently supporting agencies across the Kenai Peninsula which includes everything from basic needs, seniors, youth and end of life preparations. Our campaign has been extended due to last fall’s elections and campaigns. Hopefully we haven’t missed anybody, but if we have not contacted you please let us know.
For all business organizations that have participated in the 2014-2015 campaign we on behalf of United Way offer our sincere thank you. A special thanks to those that have volunteered: campaign cabinet, loan executives and allocations committee. We appreciate all that you have done for us this year and look forward to working with you again next year.
Everyone, please remember to Pick. Click. Give. a small donation from your Permanent Fund Dividend for a chance to win a second dividend.
Thanks for all you do in our community.
Lisa J. Roberts, executive director
Kenai Peninsula United Way