Teen to talk about human trafficking

Recently I traveled up the road to receive an intensive GEMS (Girls Educational Mentoring Services) training on the commercial sexual exploitation of children, otherwise known as human trafficking. The training lasted three days where I was surrounded by FBI agents, doctors and police officers. I was one of the only attendees under the age of 25. It was quite the experience. 

GEMS in detail explained to us what human trafficking is, what it isn’t, and what it looks like in Alaska. A major misconception is that human trafficking means people being imported across border lines, when really it could mean taking young people from the Homer Spit and moving them out East End Road. 

I would love to invite the community to my GEMS presentation Wednesday, Feb.12 from 6-7 p.m. at City Hall. It will be a basic introduction to human trafficking and what the problem really looks like. Slavery was abolished in 1865; however, in the United States there is still an estimate of 27 million slaves. Human trafficking is modern day slavery. Hope you can join me.

Zoe Story
