Traffic is backed up on the Sterling Highway last Friday near Pioneer Avenue as workers replace curb cutouts and sidewalk ramps at street and driveway corners. Work was being done between Mile 170 to 173 Sterling Highway. Motorists can expect lane restrictions and flagging on the road and should be alert for heavy equipment and construction workers. The work is part of a larger project to repave the highway from Mile 150 to 173, Tall Tree Avenue north of Anchor Point to Homer. Repaving is expected to begin by the end of June and be finished by the end of August. Throughout construction, drivers can expect lane restrictions, pilot car operations and delays up to 20 minutes. The repaving project also will include new guardrails, signing and striping. QAP is the contractor. For more information, call QAP at 907-522-2211 or the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities at 907-892-5018, or visit and click on the Homer area of the map.
Sterling Highway work begins