Chapman School
March 24: Third quarter awards assembly.
March 28: Spring pictures.
March 30: Tsunami warning drill, 10:15-10:45 a.m.
Tsunami sirens and warnings may be heard, or broacasted on TV or radio. However, it’s just a test to make sure that the tsunami warning system works. It is not a real emergency. Do not evacuate and do not call 911.
April 1: Early release day. Students dismissed at 1:40 p.m.
Fireweed Academy (all grades)
April 1: Wonderheads performance at Homer High.
April 1: Early release day.
Fireweed Academy (3-6)
March 29: Field trip to M/V Tiglax.
March 29: Fifth and sixth grade trip to the spit-birding.
Homer Connections
March 25: 10th annual Homer Ice Skating Party at Kevin Bell Arena, 1:30-3 p.m.
March 25: Homer Rock Climbing at the Bay Club, 3:30-5 p.m. Contact Jake Parrett for more information at
Homer High School
March 24: Girls basketball at state vs Grace at Alaska Airlines Center, 3:30 p.m.
March 24: Choir working rehearsal for musical, 5 p.m.
March 24: Boys soccer meeting, 5:45 p.m.
March 25: Girls basketball at state, TBA.
March 25: Choir working rehearsal for musical, 5 p.m.
March 26: Girls basketball at state, TBA.
March 26: Choir working rehearsal for musical, 5 p.m.
March 31-April 5: Cinderella’s Closet in the green room, 2:30-5:30 p.m.The program provides free prom items to local ladies including dresses, shoes, accessories and makeup.
April 9: Prom.
Homer Middle School
March 28: Site council meeting in the library, 3:30 p.m.
March 29: Eighth grade science SBA/AMP.
March 30: AMP seventh grade math.
March 31: AMP seventh grade ELA.
April 1: Early release day.
April 4: Track begins.
McNeil Canyon Elementary School
March 24 and 25: Swimming for kindergarten and third grade students continues. March 25: Report cards home.
March 25: Movie character day.
Wood Raffle: McNeil is raffling one cord of firewood, cut, split and delivered. Tickets are available in the office. A maximum of 100 tickets will be sold at $5 each. The drawing will be held on April 1.
Homer Electric Association Poster Contest: Homer Electric Association is sponsoring its 20th annual Electrical Safety poster contest. The contest is open to 3rd and 4th grade students only and entries must be turned in to HEA office by April 1.
Paul Banks Elementary School
April 1: First Friday Art Extravaganza, 5-7 p.m.
West Homer Elementary School
March 28-April 1: Scholastic Book Fair open to the public during school hours. Books, science and art kits, posters and more.
March 29: Spring pictures, first thing in the morning.
March 29: Scholastic Book Fair Family and Friends Night, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Door prizes and refreshments.
Department of Alaska – Richard D. Johnson Memorial, $1,000: For any high school senior who may not be able to get a scholarship and are ready to make a commitment to post-secondary education. Deadline is March 30.
Merrilyn Stock Memorial Scholarship, $500-$1,000: For continuing students (no matter what age) who are members of the Legion Family. Due March 31.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 16 Scholarships, $500 award: High School Seniors (student GPA 2 to 3.5). Deadline is April 10.