Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
March 7: Inservice, no school, end of quarter.
March 10-14: Vacation days.
April 1-3: Student testing.
April 16: Early dismissal, 1:40 p.m.
April 18: Vacation day.
May 21: School closes.
Chapman School
Today: Patriots Pen Essay Assembly, grades 6-8, 2 p.m.
March 12: Wrestling at Fairbanks.
Fireweed Academy (grades K-2)
Through today: Swim week at Kate Kuhns Aquatic Center.
Homer High School
March 13: Deadline for 2014 graduating seniors to apply for the 2014 High School Intern Program, according to Mari Freitag, intern coordinator for the office of Sen. Lisa Murkowski.
Homer Middle School
April 1-3: Student testing.
Kachemak Selo School
March 7: Minimum day and grading.
Nikolaevsk School
March 7: Minimum day and grading.
March 10: Eligibility check.
Paul Banks Elementary School
March 18: PTA meeting.
March 7: Minimum day and grading.
Susan B. English School
March 25: PAC/SBDMC meeting, 7 p.m.
Voznesenka School
March 7: Minimum day and grading.
West Homer Elementary School
Today: Fifth-grade band, 2:40 p.m.
Today: Skiing, check with office, 3:35-5:30 p.m.
Scholarships, contests, etc.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 16 Scholarships:
• $500, for high school students; deadline is April 1;
• Richard D. Johnson scholarship, $1,000; deadline is March 30;
• Merrilyn Stock Scholarship, not for high school students, for continuing students, $500-$1,000; deadline is March 30. Pick up applications at high school counselor’s office, Connections, or American Legion Post in Homer. For more information, call Darlene at 235-6789 or the Legion Post at 235-8864.
Homer Electric Association scholarships for the annual Youth Rally in Idaho are offered. High school sophomores and juniors are eligible for an all-expense-paid week in Caldwell, Idaho, from July 7-12, to enhance leadership skills, learn about cooperatives and participate in trust and teambuilding exercises. Applications are available at Deadline is April 4.
Homer Electric Association also sponsors an electric safety poster contest for third- and fourth-graders Prizes include $50-$100 VISA gift cards Deadline is April 4. For rules, visit
Homer Marine Trades now has applications available for its $1,000 scholarship for graduating seniors or prior year graduates wanting advanced vocational education and training. The applications have been sent to school counselors and are available online at The goal of the scholarship is to fill the positions Homer Marine Trades has available now and in the future.
Kenai Borough Employees Association scholarship committee is seeking applications for three scholarships, each $500. The scholarships are acailable to all 2014 graduates of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, including public schools, private schools and home-schooled. Applications and instructions are available from any Kenai Peninsula Borough high shcool counselor or at The deadline is March 28. Applications can be mailed or dropped off at the kenai Penisula Borough, KBEA Scholarship Committee, 144 N. Binkley St., Soldotna, AK 99669.