Homer High:
Fireweed Academy:
Monday, April 2 — APC meeting at Big Fireweed at 4:30 p.m. All are welcome.
Wednesday, April 4 — Early Release Day
West Homer Elementary:
Monday, March 26 – Site Council meeting from 6-7 p.m. in the WHE Library. Also, Book Fair Week in the library.
Tuesday, March 27 — Family and Friends Night at the Book Fair, from 4-6 p.m. in the WHE Library
Wednesday, March 28 — Spring Photos at 8:15 a.m.
Paul Banks Elementary:
After School programs continue each day from 2:30-4 p.m. They include: Ceramics: Mondays through April 2; Floor Hockey and Outdoor Explorers: Tuesdays/Thursdays through March 8; Lego Creators: Wednesdays through April 4.
Tuesday, March 27 – Kindergarten Round-Up from 12:45-2 p.m. Upcoming Kindergarteners for the 2018-19 School Year are invited to come visit the Kindergarten classrooms and get an introduction to Paul Banks Elementary.
Thursday, March 29 — Spring Pictures
Friday, March 30 — Pajama Day
April 3-5 — Kindergarten Registration for the 2018-19 School Year
April 4 – Early Release at 12:50 p.m.
McNeil Canyon Elementary:
Monday, March 26 — Spring picture day. Two volunteers are needed from 8:15-10:30 a.m.
Thursday, March 29 — Spotlight Lunch: Students and their parents are invited to join Mr. Swanson for lunch. Parents can meet their students by the dragon at 11:45 a.m.
April 18 — Site Council meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the library
The Kenai Borough Employees Association (KBEA) Scholarship Committee is currently accepting applications for four scholarships of $500 each. The scholarships are available to all 2018 graduates of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (including public, private, and home-schooled). Applications and instructions are available from any Kenai Peninsula Borough High School counselors’ office or on the Borough’s web site at www.kpb.us under “Hot Topics.” Applications must be received, or postmarked by 5 p.m. March 30. Applications can be mailed or dropped off at: Kenai Peninsula Borough, KBEA Scholarship Committee (Attn: Ann Shirnberg), 144 North Binkley Street, Soldotna, Alaska 99669. Application may also be received by email at ashirnberg@kpb.us. Put “KBEA Scholarship Application” in the subject line of the email.
The American Legion Auxiliary presents several scholarships to graduating high school seniors and continuing education students. Students from Anchor Point, Nikolaevsk and south across Kachemak Bay, East End Road, and Connections are eligible to apply for these scholarships. Check the deadlines for the following: Applications are available at your local high school counselor’s office and at the American Legion Mile, 2.5 East Road, Homer.
National President’s Scholarship $1,500 plus: Award is gifted to high school seniors who are daughters, sons, greats and step-great children of veterans who served in the Armed Forces during eligibility dates for membership in The American Legion. Return completed application to your nearest American Legion Post or American Legion Auxiliary. Deadline is March 1.
National Non-Traditional Auxiliary Scholarship $1,000: For continuing students who are members of the Legion, Auxiliary, or S.A.L. (Legion Family). Deadline March 1, 2018. Thinking about going back to college – this one is for you. Return your completed application to the nearest American Legion Post or American Legion Auxiliary.
Auxiliary Spirit of Youth Scholarship $1,000: Must be a Junior Auxiliary Member for past three years and hold a membership card for the current (2018) year. A 4 year Award. Return your completed application to the nearest American Legion Post or American Legion Auxiliary. Deadline March 1. Department of Alaska – Richard D. Johnson Memorial $1,000: For any high school senior who may not be able to get a scholarship and are ready to make a commitment to post-secondary education. Deadline is March 30.
Merrilyn Stock Memorial Scholarship $500-$1,000: For continuing students (no matter what age) who are members of the Legion Family. Due March 31.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 16 Scholarships $500 award: High School Seniors (student GPA 2 to 3.5), Deadline is April 10.
American Legion Auxiliary Robert Turkington Memorial Scholarship: “Make Hay While The Sun Shines”
(1) $750 Scholarship for a high school senior student (GPA no higher than 3.5).
Contact Darlene 235-6789 or Post @ 235-8864 for more information and/or applications. Several of the state and national scholarships have A $500 (Homer winner) Award.