Chapman School:
Today, Sept. 28: Family Ed. Night – Bingo for Books is tomorrow 2:45-3:45 p.m.; Monday, Oct. 2: Renewable Energy Presentation seventh/eighth grade. Basketball starts for sixth, seventh and eighth graders. Also Custodian Appreciation Day.; Thursday, Oct. 5: Fourth grade to Anchor River; Friday, Oct. 6: Kachemak Bay Preserve Presentation first grade
Wednesday, Oct. 18: Picture Retakes
Friday, Oct. 20: No School Inservice – End of first quarter
Oct. 23-27: Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday, Oct. 25: Early Release 1 p.m.
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 26 and 27: No School Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, Oct. 27: Halloween Carnival 6-8 p.m.
Big Fireweed:
Thursday, Oct 5 — Coho Salmon Egg Take – Anchor River (afternoon field trip)
Big and Little Fireweed:
Tuesday, Oct. 3 — APC Meeting at 4:30 p.m. at Big Fireweed. All are Welcome.
Friday, Oct. 13 — Coming to America Ellis Island Simulation, at Big Fireweed.
Homer High School:
Friday, Sept. 29: Volleyball vs Seward: C-team at 4 p.m., JV at 5 p.m., Varsity at 6:30 p.m.; and Varsity Football vs Cougars (Senior Night); Saturday, Sept. 30: Swim/Dive at Seward 10 a.m., Cross Country Running State Championships at Bartlett 11 a.m., and Varsity Volleyball vs ACS: C-team at 11 a.m., JV at noon, Varsity at 1:30 p.m.
Homer Middle School:
Thursday, Sept. 28 — Pep Rally 11:45 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.; Friday, Sept. 29 — Seward Invitational Invite Cross Country Running at 3 p.m.; Saturday, Sept. 30 — Soccer-Finals of borough tournament at Kenai Middle School at 10 a.m.
Homer Flex: Friday, Sept. 29 — 5:30 p.m. Fresh Produce Improv Show at the Art Barn. Proceeds help support Homer Flex.
; Thursday, Oct. 5 — Salmon in the Classroom: Egg Take at the Anchor River; Friday, Oct. 6 — End of first rotation
McNeil Canyon Elementary:
Spotlight Lunch: September Spotlight Students and their parents are invited to join Mr. Swanson for lunch on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017. Parents can meet their students by the dragon at 11:45 am.
If parents plan on eating a hot lunch, please notify the school office ahead of time so our cook can prepare enough food. Please come prepared to pay for your hot lunch. (An adult lunch is $4.25 plus 60 cents for milk.) Our cook is not allowed to take money from a child’s account for an adult lunch.
Family Game Night: Family game night will be held on Friday, Sept. 29 from 7-8:30 p.m. Bring board games to share. The school goal is 3,000 minutes of Game Playing fun and cooperation.
Student Council is sponsoring Family Game Night this year and will be holding a Bake Sale and selling popcorn during this event. Come join the fun and support Student Council at the same time.
Garage Sale in three weeks: Joanna’s class will be holding a Garage Sale at McNeil on Sat., Oct. 7. You will get a clean, dry room to sell your items. It is $15 rent for half of a table and $25 for a full table. We will also have a 6th grade table for those of you with clean items in good shape that you would like to donate to our fundraiser. A bake sale will be held in conjunction and we welcome donations for that as well. Please contact Laura Sheldon at the school to reserve your table now.
Paul Banks Elementary:
Thursday, Sept. 28 – Beluga Wetlands Field Trip – Swimming Field Trip; Friday, Sept. 29 – Islands and Oceans Field Trip; Monday, Oct. 2 – National Custodian Workers Day – PTA Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct.19 – Picture Retakes
Friday, Oct. 20 – Inservice/Workday
West Homer Elementary:
Tuesday, Oct. 17 – PTO Meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the library
Friday, Oct. 20 – No school, end of first quarter, inservice day
Wednesday, Oct. 25 — Early Release Day at 1:05 p.m.
Thursday and Friday Oct. 26-27 – No school, Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, Oct. 30 – Site Council Meeting at 6 p.m. in the library
Wednesday, Oct. 4 — Site Based Committee Meeting at 3 p.m.; Thursday, Oct. 5 — Salmon Egg Take at the Anchor River K-5th grade field trip
Monday, Oct. 2 — Middle School Basketball begins; Wednesday, Oct. 4— School Pictures 8:30 a.m. to noon; Site Based Committee Meeting at 3:45 p.m.; Thursday, Oct. 5— Anchor River Field Trip – Salmon Egg Take for grades K-6th; Running Club after school on Mondays and Thursdays for grades K-6th.