The results of the recent presidential election left some in our nation in a state of shock, disbelief, appall, uncertainty, and even fear. Others were pleasantly surprised, jubilant, and sighed a breath of relief that the Washington elite were finally put on notice.
While I have not always agreed with, nor voted for, the ultimate occupier of the oval office I have always felt obligated to hope that they succeed, and ultimately leave office having improved our great nation.
I feel that the political gravity of the two major parties has evolved to leave little room for orbits that keep what benefits the people at their center. If we ever hope, as a nation, to stay united we must determine what unites us. This nation was born out of the fight to end a form of oppression. The cost was high, but necessary. There must be a recognition of what it takes to preserve that if we ever hope to pass on any appreciation for how it affords us our constitutional rights. Additionally, we need to be willing to support measures that provide those layers of protection.
The plight of refugees from war torn countries is heartbreaking and tragic. The sad reality that there are minority groups that are disparaged or persecuted is deplorable. We have a world big enough for everyone. Regardless of race, religion or orientation.
The United States of America has long been a nation of refuge for those that seek a better life. Part of what has shaped this as a desired destination is that it is a democracy that is ruled by law and order. Separate those two things and a democracy disintegrates.
As a city council member my charge is to represent my constituents. Homer voters turned out in record numbers in November and established its popular mandate. That choice was Donald Trump. When I was sworn into office I promised to uphold the Constitution of the United States, which is the foundation of the laws of our nation. Our local government should be expressly engaged in providing for the health and welfare of our community. Not bringing forward resolutions that defy federal law and potentially embroil the community, and government, in divisive issues that impede their ability to focus on more pressing local issues.
The City of Homer has made no past declaration of exclusion to any group mentioned in the proposed resolution…then why do we need any proclamation stating otherwise? This is only an attempt to slap at an administration that some are displeased with. There is a proper platform for this and it is not at the city council level.
One cannot convict another of a wrong using the same wrong in doing so. The standard must be applied to all. T.H. White wrote “The destiny of man is to unite, not to divide. If you keep on dividing you end up as a collection of monkeys throwing nuts at each other out of separate trees.”
Heath Smith is a member of the Homer City Council.