The students and the staff of Paul Banks Elementary would like to thank Deland Anderson, our artist-in-residency for two weeks in February. Deland taught his unique type of “dot” art to each of our K-2nd grade students.
During the residency each student was able to paint several pieces, using tempera paint in vibrant colors on a black background, creating a moon, snowman, bunny and rainbow with dots of paint. To celebrate the student’s work, they were invited to walk through the maze of artwork created by all of the K-second graders with their families.
We would like to thank Bunnell Street Arts Center for their continual support for the arts in our local schools. We would also like to extend our gratitude to those who help fund the Artist in Schools projects: The Alaska State Council on the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, Jazzline, Rasmuson Foundation and the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District.
Thank you,
Jennifer Reinhart, Kristine Berrios
and Laurie Martin
Paul Banks Elementary School