I would like to publicly thank Lisa Nordstrom, a teacher at Voznesenka school. Thank you for giving us the opportunity…
The men of the Homer Hockey Association would like to thank all the people who bought tickets in the recent…
Homer Council on the Arts thanks Totem Ocean Trailer Express for its support in presenting Matt Andersen on Jan. 13,…
Homer Animal Friends raffled four stuffed animals on Dec. 11. We would like to thank all the people who supported…
It takes a village to feed a community and it takes a community to share the spirit. We are very…
We would like to wish all our many friends and caregivers a happy holiday season. Thank you for all your…
I do not believe that food should be taxed all year. This is because sales tax is a regressive tax…
I support reinstatement of the year-around sales tax on nonprepared foods. I acknowledge that this is a regressive tax, but…
In regards to the reintroduction of city tax on food year round I have the following comments and perspective to…
There can be no words to express the great loss of the recent shooting tragedy. Some big debates on gun control…
December 11, 2029, New San Franbaha, CA — Entitlement caused the thing. Back in 2012, before the Cliff, entitlement was…
In memory of Charlotte Bacon, Daniel Barden, Rachel Davino, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Ana M Marquez-Greene, Dylan Hockley, Dawn Hochsprung,…
It may be cold and dark in wintry Alaska, but at the Dec. 5 meeting of the Homer Downtown Rotary…