When their ice-encrusted lawns finally thawed in late May, property owners living at Homer’s lower elevations found broad swaths of…
As Homer’s winters go, this past season was a lulu that just seemed to go on forever, with near-freezing temperatures…
With the Kenai Peninsula under very high to extreme fire danger, a prompt response by Alaska Division of Forestry, Homer…
Anyone wondering about the progress of the Enstar Natural Gas trunk and distribution lines on the lower Kenai Peninsula doesn’t…
FAIRBANKS (AP) — Seven professors from the University of Alaska Fairbanks are helping establish an engineering school at the new…
Lisa J. Roberts has been named the executive director of the Kenai Peninsula United Way. Roberts grew up in Soldotna…
ANCHORAGE — In a June 7 speech before the Export Council of Alaska, U.S. Department of Commerce Under Secretary for…
A two-day oil spill containment and cleanup drill at the Valdez Marine Terminal took place June 12-13. Spill response crews…
Flint Hills Resources has a guaranteed supply of state royalty oil for its refinery at North Pole, east of Fairbanks…
The strange equipment visible along Seldovia’s Jakolof Bay Road isn’t a birdhouse, a UFO or a Little Chief Smoker with…
It boiled down to science vs. emotion and personal property rights vs. communist encroachment by the United Nations as scores…
Bryan Zak has worked with many small businesses owners on the Kenai Peninsula over the years, but he recently counseled…
KODIAK — The federal government is putting a former Coast Guard cutter up for auction after efforts to send it…