The changes come after months of contention over the process for approving new members to the commission.
The bid award will cover a programming phase, value analysis and cost estimate in a not-to-exceed amount of $125,000.
Landowners criticize assessment method for Bunnell Avenue, Charles Way water and sewer plan.
Tobacco policy violations accounted for more than 1,800 days lost from school in Alaska in the 2018-2019 school year.
Renee Krause, deputy city clerk for the City of Homer, was recently elected as the treasurer of the Alaska Association…
Homer High School teachers, students and their families gathered Dec. 2 to celebrate the latest Mariners on the Move. Each…
2021 has had a number of high-profile missing persons cases.
Kids more interested in cookies than governor.
Year-class of halibut looking stronger than expected, scientist says.
Council amends measure to make mask-wearing optional
The policy went into effect on Nov. 29
No new deaths, hospitalizations reported for the weekend.
The state has other plans for updating the marine highway.