As the light is returning, many folks are thinking about the Homer Farmers Market. As well, they should be (especially this Jan. 25). But it is not uncommon for me to hear people announcing that they are planning on selling at the Farmers Market over the summer but then I find out that they have not contacted Robbi, the market manager, with an application.
I have heard many misconceptions about the market over the years. Like it will always be our small town market where you can just show up to sell whatever you like. Actually, there is a busy working board who lines up plans and policies to make things run as smoothly as possible. So, yes, there are rules to know about regarding selling at the market.
The board also gets to figure out where money gets spent, how much on the parking lot and how much on a scholarship fund, etc. The manager is running all aspects behind the scenes of the market from what booth is occupied when and by who to applying for grants to have cooking classes or new T-shirt printed. There is a ton going on in the background to make that bustling summer market happen.
On Saturday, Jan. 25, at noon out at the Kachemak Community Center the market is having its annual meeting. It is a potluck with some of the most wonderful growers and crafters in this area as well as a chance to meet the board, run for the board, hear about board policy changes, and turn in your application if you want to sell this coming summer.
Don’t just think about the market. Join in.
Kyra Wagner
The Homer Farmers Market’s biggest fan