Editor’s Note: Every month to accompany the Pay It Forward column, which is coordinated by The Homer Foundation, the Homer News runs a list of needs from area nonprofits. If you see a need you can fill, we encourage you to contact the agency and help pay it forward.
The Kachemak Bay Running Club needs a half dozen folding chairs.
Contact: Randy Wiest at northwiest@gmail.com
Kachemak Heritage Land Trust needs two filing cabinets, good condition office desk chairs, starts for our office plant boxes, a newish laptop, a smallish bookshelf, and a small storage shed.
Contact: Marie McCarthy at marie@kachemaklandtrust.org
Hospice of Homer needs a volunteer to coordinate public relations/fundraising events; a volunteer to clean the hospice office; a board member; a gardener to water and maintain the Hospice Memorial Garden; and a volunteer to maintain the Hospice website.
Contact: Darlene Hilderbrand at director@hospiceofhomer.org
Sprout needs all sizes of pull up diapers, new or used children’s books, paper clips, toilet paper, and copy paper.
Contact: Jill Lush at jlush@sproutalaska.org
Homer Council On the Arts needs someone (one person two times a week or two people one time week each) to come by to weed and water our flower garden in front of the building and someone to weed whack (HCOA has a weed whacker) and repaint the garden boxes (HCOA will provide the paint, too).
Contact: Kari Odden at office@homerart.org
Homer Head Start needs a small desk and wall mounted cupboards.
Contact: Martha Wagele at 907-235-4322 or mwagele@ruralcap.com
Pier One Theater needs summer volunteers to usher, sell tickets, and sell concessions, and 50+ folding chairs, preferably with cushions.
Contact: 235-7333