KBBI is looking for a volunteer to help stuff envelopes for a mailing on Sept. 8, 9 and/or 10 any time between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Located at 3913 Kachemak Drive in town by city hall.
Contact: 235-7721 ext. 221 or email dorle@kbbi.org
Homer Council on the Arts is in need of volunteers to paint (interior walls) and a sound system for the gallery.
Contact: Peggy Paver
Homer Head Start needs an indoor bench and a shoe rack.
Contact: Martha Wagel
Little Fireweed School is looking for a large conference table.
Contact: Kiki Abrahamson
Homer Hockey Association is in desperate need of some kind of printer/copier.
Contact: Heidi Stage
Sprout needs all sizes of diapers for the Sprout Diaper Bank and winter coats, boots and gear for children ages 0-5 years old.
Contact: Tara Hagge