The Homer High DDF —Drama, Debate and Forensics — Team took 25 participants to the Bartlett High Tournament this past weekend and came home loaded with awards:
First place, Humorous Interpretation (receiving all firsts for the entire tournament): Johnny Hamilton;
First place, Novice Solo Acting: Carly McLean;
First place, Lincoln Douglas Speaker Points: Adi Davis;
Second place, Lincoln Douglas Debate: Adi Davis;
Second place, Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking: Trevor Waldorf;
Third place, Reader’s Theatre: Drew Turner, Owen Duffy, Neal Wimmerstedt;
Third place, Novice Solo Acting: Lindsey Schneider;
Third place, Public Forum Debate: Trevor Waldorf and Patrick Latimer;
Fourth place, Novice Solo Acting; Chloe Loop;
Fourth place, Dramatic Interpretation: Jonas Noomah;
Fourth place, Novice Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking: Alex Clayton;
Fourth place, Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking: Adi Davis;
Fifth place, Humorous Interpretation: Emmet Meyer;
Fifth place, Novice Solo Acting: Louise Tymrak;
Fifth place, Duet Acting: Patrick Latimer and Brittney Bordner;
Fifth place, Novice Extemporaneous Commentary: Robert Hockema;
Fifth place, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking: Evan Boyer;
Sixth place, Duet Acting: Sydney Paulino and Drew Turner.