Homer High School’s DDF (Drama, Debate and Forensics) team competed at Service High in Anchorage on Jan. 29-30 and placed in several categories. They will next compete at the state tournament in Anchorage on Feb. 18-20.
1st Place, Solo Acting: Lindsey Schneider
2nd Place, Duet Acting: Ciara Jones and Patrick Hannan
2nd Place, Duo Interpretation: Lindsey Schneider and Landon Bunting
2nd Place, Extemporaneous Commentary: Nolan Bunting
2nd Place, Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking: Lindsey Schneider
2nd Place, Pantomime: Eryn Gillam and Lauren Jones
3rd Place, Humorous Interpretation: Jimmy Gao
3rd Place, Pantomime: Landon Bunting
4th Place, Dramatic Interpretation: Eryn Gillam
4th Place, Expository Speaking: Nolan Bunting
5th Place, Pantomime: Rowyn Cunningham, Theo Castellani, and Patrick Hannan
5th Place, Readers’ Theatre: Jimmy Gao, Theo Castellani, Tara Hueper, Kyle Carroll, Galen Lyon, and Ciara Jones
6th Place, Duo Interpretation: Ciara Jones and Jimmy Gao
7th Place, Duo Interpretation: Theo Castellani and Galen Lyon