
Pierce has best fiscal experience

Regarding the Oct. 24 run off election, the voters of the Kenai Peninsula should be looking for successful fiscal experience to fill the position of Kenai Peninsula Borough mayor. Although it is nice to have the continuity of a long time resident to serve in an elected position, it is critical at this time a strong mayor office needs to be filled by someone who has experience with addressing large fiscal projects, getting them done on time and under budget.

KPB has limited responsibilities to the citizens of the borough: solid waste and providing for education are two of them. It is just not acceptable that raising taxes, eliminating senior exemptions, taxing food and increasing sales tax are the only ways to get these services provided. Some creativity and leadership are going to be needed to continue to provide these services. It is important that these skills be evident in the candidate we vote into the Mayor’s office. There has been no offering of this experience from Linda Hutchings. While Linda has offered the skills necessary for the maintenance and ongoing support for an automotive dealership office, there has been nothing to evidence the abilities that are going to be needed in the years ahead with the current budget deficit.

I watched Charlie Pierce and his votes and participation on the Assembly and thought at the time, he would make a great mayor. Now, that time is here and we have a choice of competent and creative person to serve in that position versus the lack of any actual record of performing the work that will be needed in the Mayor’s office. The record of experience offered by Linda Hutchings just will not be a match for what is required by the office.

Therefore, I encourage all to vote on Oct. 16 or Oct. 24 and to vote for the responsible record of accomplishment that KPB needs at this time. That vote for Charlie Pierce will be provide what is needed right now.

Christine Hutchison

Republican Women support Pierce

The Republican Women of the Kenai, affiliate of the Alaska Republican Party, endorse Charlie Pierce for Kenai Peninsula Borough mayor.

Mr. Pierce is a champion for issues that are important to women and the Kenai Peninsula community. His management approach focuses on applying downward pressure on borough expenses rather than resorting to raising taxes or depleting the borough’s fund balance. His proven management style at Enstar reflects that he is sensitive, supportive, and caring of employees while reducing expenditures through attrition, economizing and living within a budget – pocketbook issues that matter to all women.

He sincerely wants our citizens and employees of the borough to prosper and succeed in living a quality lifestyle in comfort. Recognizing that we must pay taxes for services, we appreciate that Mr. Pierce advocates responsible, not reckless taxation.

As a manager at Enstar, Mr. Pierce oversaw multi-million dollar projects that were consistently completed on schedule and under budget. This is the kind of business sense and experience that will benefit all of the Kenai Peninsula Borough.

It is our belief Charlie Pierce best meets the goals of local women with the fiscal responsibility that provides financial security for our families across the Kenai Peninsula Borough, so please get out and vote on October 24th for Charlie Pierce.

Kay Tauriainen, President

Christine Hutchison, Vice President

Juanita Ross, Treasurer

Barb Blakely, Secretary

Republican Women of the Kenai

Editor’s note: The Republican Women of the Kenai is an organization separate from the Kenai Peninsula Republican Women. The Kenai Peninsula Republican Women have not endorsed a candidate in the mayoral election

Pierce will control spending

I am concerned about Kenai Borough spending and new taxes. I believe Charlie Pierce work to keep spending under control and reject any new Borough taxes. He has my vote.

Michael Woolcock


Hutchings is best choice

To my Alaska Friends:

Please vote for Linda Hutchings in the upcoming run-off elections for Kenai Peninsula Borough mayor, Oct, 16-24. There are three characteristics that unequivocally make Linda Hutchings the best choice; first, her sense of fairness, equality and kindness, second, her knowledge of local issues and where and how to implement solutions that actually work, and third her integrity and reputation.

I have known and worked with Linda for over 20 years. Her principles and values are her strongest drivers; first and foremost, her family and her faith. She has lived on the KPB all her life and knows and has real experience through the ups and downs of the Alaska economy. She relates to others with a sense of fairness, and equality regardless their status in life or gender.

Linda Hutchings has real knowledge of local issues and is a strategic leader. Linda and I served together on countless local, state and national campaigns. She can energize and organize people while delivering facts and information in a straightforward, honest, no frills style. I am in awe of her network of people resources accumulated over years of volunteering her time.

She can break through bureaucracies and knows when to use her resources effectively to facilitate change. Linda is a real leader who you will want to follow because her mission is not power, status, or control, but simply to make a real difference in the quality of life of others. She has an impeccable reputation and a high sense of integrity, setting her apart from other politicians. Linda is a powerful negotiator. She has the stamina and skills to keep complex issues moving forward. She stands up for what is right regardless the numbers on one side or the other.

Finally, I was compelled to write because KPB will always be my home, and I have a strong desire to see that the right leadership is in place to navigate through troubles and to seize growth opportunities at the right time. Linda Hutchings is the right candidate to make a real difference.

Sandra Ghormley

Baker City, Oregon

Vote for Pierce again

Guess what folks? We are not done voting yet!. That’s right: there is a runoff election for borough mayor on Oct. 24. Mail in, early and absentee voting begins on Oct. 16.

I will be voting for Charlie Pierce again and for the same reasons I voted for him on the regular election ballot.

Mr. Pierce has run an honest, issue oriented and respectful campaign. In addition, he is a good family man, with many years’ experience managing a large company, plus two terms on the borough assembly and thousands of hours participating in a wide range of community activities. With his experience, skill sets, community spirit and passion to make government work better for all of us, I’m convinced he is the most qualitied to lead our borough through the current economic chaos and safely into the future.

Please join me voting for Charlie Pierce again in the Oct. 24 runoff election.

Thank you.

Mike McBride

North Kenai

Hutchings has right views on health

Being an older person, health care is very important to me. Being older also means that I appreciate not having to drive to Anchorage to see specialists or for treatment. As I understand it, our Borough owns both Central and South Peninsula Hospitals and leases to the nonprofit corporations who run the hospitals and who are governed by operating boards — with people from the local community who are appointed to serve. Borough residents elect members to service area boards that keep the hospitals accountable to the Borough. The system works: our hospitals provide excellent care and are expanding treatment options every year in response to local needs. Charlie Pierce (candidate for Borough mayor) has in the past advocated giving away our local control by selling the hospitals to private companies. If this were to happen, ours would be like so many communities where corporate profits dictate health care. Do we want a for-profit hospital?

Linda Hutchings, also a candidate for Borough Mayor, understands what is at stake and wants the Borough to retain ownership of the hospitals. In addition, she served several terms on the Health Care Task Force and has worked tirelessly with the service area boards and hospitals to keep costs down. She was instrumental in establishing a safety corridor beyond Soldotna to respond to emergencies. As a task force member, she also identified the need for the detox center which just opened in Soldotna and one being planned for Homer in the near future. This will save lives and open ER beds for other critical needs. We need a Borough mayor who is knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated to meeting the Peninsula’s health care needs. Linda understands how important health care is to us all.

In addition to health care, Linda reflects my views on other important issues. Linda is against developing the Pebble Mine because she understands the importance of the fishing industry to the Kenai Peninsula. Linda values quality education on the Kenai Peninsula and will work hard to support and adequately fund our schools. In addition, she has had a wealth of experience with budgets and financial planning, has a sterling track record working with people and listening to her constituents, and has proven herself to be a strong, fair leader.

We all need to vote on (or before) October 24th. Think: health care, fishing industry, education, experience, leadership, and excellent character—vote for Linda.

Lani Raymond

Don’t vote for Pierce

I am writing this letter to ask you not to vote for Charlie Pierce. He was the regional manager for Enstar when the natural gas pipeline was installed in Homer and he was responsible for so much property damage on the bluff that one home is actually being kept standing by cables. He never made himself available when so many people were trying to find answers why clear-cutting was allowed on the bluff and now he is asking for our votes for Borough Mayor. Does he really think he could be trusted after such reckless unconcern for our environment?

Shirley Thompson

Spaghetti feed chief needed

Dear Community Minded Volunteers,

Share the Spirit is in need. This community has, in the past, always answered our call, when the need was vital and we are asking you to do so again.

We need an organizer for the Spaghetti Feed, our annual fund raising event. If your group, your family or you as an individual are willing to take on this project, we would love to hear from you. Additionally, we have past organizers willing to talk you through the process as well as written “How To” materials available.

The monies raised from this event are used to purchase all (non-donated) supplies we then use to build the food baskets for needy households in our community. Without this influx of money, the program will be in dire straits, and the townspeople as a whole will miss out on one of the traditional heartwarming events that mark the holiday season in our community.

Any interested parties are asked to call Share the Spirit at 235-7466, as soon as possible, as the event is scheduled for Tuesday. Dec. 12, 2017, so it is time to get organized!

Share the Spirit wishes you all the best; we will reach out to the community again in the days to come with more information on upcoming dates for applicants and opportunities to volunteer. Until then… Please remember to Share the Spirit.

Kelly Glidden and Shari Daugherty, cochairs, Basket Program

Jayne Locklar, President; Jonathan Adams, Vice President, Share the Spirit

Spay and neuter pets

Don’t you care? Doesn’t your heart spare a pang of remorse and sympathy for the mother’s heart wrenching search? Two nights and days of frantic calling, desperate wandering through a once cozy and safe home, now destroyed and chaotic. Do you not feel the young ones’ terror, as they are lifted by strange hands from a grassy nest under an old lumber pile, transported to an alien world, and left frightened, alone, and confused? Yes, mother and kittens are re-united now. Cared for by kind and skilled staff at Homer Animal Shelter. Their fate is in the hands of some neighbor or friend who has a safe and nurturing home. (Call 235-3141 to adopt a gorgeous and gentle friend.)

But why put sentient creatures through this kind of trauma. For pity’s sake, spay and neuter your pets.

Judith James

Citizens should take some responsibility at beach

This grandmother who brazenly shames the city about the Bishop’s Beach tables needs some talking to. Do you expect the city employees to come and wait upon you? We are a community. Take some responsibility. A black eye to Homer? Not so. You have two black eyes for such a ridiculous rant.

Tod Tenhoff

Overwhelmed by retirement celebration

I know we live in a wonderful multigenerational community, but I was totally overwhelmed by the many great friends and family who helped me celebrate at my retirement party. I am so honored to have touched so many lives through my midwifery career. Thank you from my heart,

Mary Lou Kelsey Certified Nurse Midwife (retired)