The West Anchorage DDF — Drama, Debate and Forensics — Tournament at West High School in Anchorage was the spot to be for 20 Homer students on Saturday, as well as four students from the brand new Voznesenka DDF team.
Homer DDFers received the following awards:
First place, duet acting:
Brittney Bordner and Patrick Latimer;
Second place, duet acting:
Sydney Paulino and Neal Wimmerstedt;
Third place, duet acting:
Evan Boyer and Zane Boyer;
Fifth place, duet acting:
Robert Hockema and Eryn Gillam;
Sixth place, duet acting:
Hailey Nelsen and Lindsey Schneider;
Fifth place, solo acting: Hailey Nelsen;
Sixth place, solo acting: Audrey Russell;
First place, duo interpretation:
Jonas Noomah and Evan Boyer;
Second place, pantomime:
Sabina Karwowski and Neal Wimmerstedt;
Fourth place, foreign
extemporaneous speaking:
Lindsey Schneider.
The next DDF tournament will be at Bartlett High School on Nov. 8-9.